find out the sex or wait?!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Is everyone finding out the sex of their baby or are they waiting? This is my second one and the first I wanted to know right away what it was. Now I want to wait. I am also worried about being way to over weight this time around... my daughter is 7 months and i weighed 165 before pregnancy and now I weight 173. What are the best things to be more healthy so I don't explode?!


  • I'm not finding out, but my fiancee is if he can lol
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  • T healthy. If u r craving sweets trying strawberries, shortcake and whip cream w choc chips or something. I feel ya! I have a girl and a boy so I wanted to wait. But... it's hard and my family doesn't understand if we CAN find out and that is more convenient why we wouldn't want to just find out. Hubby wants to know. But...again, I want to wait. Of course that takes patience and I have none
  • Thanks now I know I'm not the only one! I have no patience either.. I will probably want to know for sure
  • None of my kids gave us the option about waiting, none of them have been shy on the ultrasounds, we could tell without the tech even saying anything. But that's probably a good thing because I probably wouldn't be able to wait anymore. As to the eating healthy, I would agree that smaller meals throughout the day, 6 small ones instead of 3 large ones, that way your system always has something to munch on and you don't feel like you are starving. It's what I've always done. :)
  • I found out with #1 but not #2. This time I honestly can't blooming wait. I just wanna know :-)
  • Hahah I will know right away if this one is as noticable as my first one! She had her legs above her head. I will try to not find out but I think I will know if I see it haha

    Would you say its just as difficult as one baby or does it make it more hard when you have two? She will be one and three months when I have this one.
  • My hubby and I have found out with #1 & #2, we will doth same for #3. We love to know the gender so we can plan, but we don't tell anyone else. It's our fun little secret. It may be harder to keep a secret this time, DD is 4 and DS is 2. I guess if we can keep from letting DD find out we will be ok, she can't keep a secret to save her life.
  • This is our first and were waiting to fibd out! Probly will found out with number 2 but who knows when the time comes! :)
  • This is my third and last so I was going to wait, but the closer I get to my ultrasound the less I think I can wait, I'm so impatient to find out!
  • This is my third and last we are waiting. I am 20 weeks and 3 days.
  • this is my first and i wanted to wait but i have no patience what so ever,plus im not a huge fan of neutral colors,i would like to plan my nursery around the sex of the or blue.
  • We found out with our first but this one were gonna try not too.
  • I like the idea of finding and keeping it to ourselves thanks! I will talk to him and ask him what he wants to do.. now that I have been talking about it I wanna find out! Lol I think I will because if I'm having a boy I will jump up and down! I have a girl I am hoping I don't get all girls
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