anyone have a d&c?

edited January 2011 in Health
I found out i prob have a blighted ovum and my progesterone is really low. I have another ultrasound set up for next week and a d&c scheduled for the day after if nothing changes on the ultrasound. Has anyone had a d&c? Im afraid that if i have to make that decision then i wld b killing my baby instead of my body doing it naturally. This is the hardest decision ive ever had to face and i dnt think i can do it.


  • I have had 5 d&c's. However I did not have to have them because of any pregnancies or misscarriages.
  • Sorry to hear the news! I found out in october at my first ultrasound at 10 weeks that the baby had not grown past about 4 weeks. It was obvious that with me knowing lmp and everything that I had had a miscarriage. A d&c was sceduled for the next morning and I had some of the same feelings as you...its hard but if you do have to have one don't worry about the procedure or recovery. For me it was easier than a period. Hope the next ultrasound shows improvement and you don't have to have a d&c!
  • Also, talk with your doctor...mine suggested a d&c because she thought the sac was too big to pass naturally. There are other options though so you can avoid the feeling that youre killing the baby.
  • Sometimes your body doesn't expel the pregnancy on its own, even if you've had a miscarriage. and if you don't take care of it, it can make you sick. Your doctor won't force you to do it, but s/he also wouldn't suggest a d&c if the pregnancy were still viable. Don't beat yourself up, taking care of yourself now is very important, especially if you plan on trying again in the future. I'm so sorry, I hope things work out for you.
  • Thanx....the dr. wants to do a d&c so he can figure out what went wrong which is another struggle if it so happens that I am going to miscarry I want to know what went wrong as well but then again i am conflicted with the thought I am killing my baby just to find out y the pregnancy didn't progress. IDK im just a mess im trying to hold on to any hope i have left but it just looks like restless nights and no sleep til monday.
  • Completely random question but I am lost.... what is "D&C"?
  • It is when there is something wrong with the pregnancy and they remove it instead of waiting for you to miscarry
  • Dialation and curtalage they take an instrument to remove the baby I've had two but because they left placenta after the birth of my daughter make sure your doc knows what they are doing because it can cause ashermans syndrome which can cause infertility good luck
  • A d&c can be done for various reasons, not just to remove a pregnancy that your body isn't getting rid of on it's own. It's main purpose is to remove anything that has been left in your uterus, so if menstruation isn't efficient you may need a d&c as well. It's not pleasant, but physically it's not a major procedure. Emotionally and mentally it can be very major, obviously. @lilone26, have you considered talking to a counselor to help get you through this?
  • Im actually going to have my primary doctor recommend one for me hopefully it'll help
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