With my first son I had morning sickness the first 6 months of my pregnancy, with my 2nd I only have it the first 3 months but now tht I'm close to the end of my pregnancy it has come back with a vengance sometimes it gets hard to do anything from being sick, best of luck to u. The only thing tht I have found to help make it bearable is the life savers mints.
I've been eating salty things it kinda helps. Lemonade is helping too. @Nikki2690 with my first i lost 20 lbs from being sick all day everyday up until week 14 @Denois@raylansmommy1 that sucks hope it gets better for yall. @coltensmamma i believe i woke my sil up this morning. I'm not very quite when it come to getting sick lol. Your welcome to share my post lol.
@Denois @raylansmommy1 that sucks hope it gets better for yall.
@coltensmamma i believe i woke my sil up this morning. I'm not very quite when it come to getting sick lol. Your welcome to share my post lol.