to circ. little boys or not



  • I think it shld only b done for medical reasons as if boy wetnt supposed to hav it it wldnt b there in the first ever it is very uncommon for us in the we hav some differences in general.everyone is entitled to their own view :-)
  • Y do people try to bring god up to justify an opinion. Justify it with a scripture and then thats when god can be a part of your decision.
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  • I'm having a girl but if I was to have a boy I will definitely get it done. It has a cleaner look and more attractive. Just the thought of having to pull skin back makes me gag.
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  • What does it matter who's circ. Or not we all have opinions so stop bashing each other for there reasoning
  • Both of my boys were circumcised, the older one grew his back, i don't think it was done right. I did have trouble with grandma cleaning him when she had him for the weekends, she felt like she was molesting him, even after i showed her the green goo. As he got older, i taught him how to clean it at bath time, now he will tell me if he's having any trouble with it, he's 7. Honestly, im glad he's all natural.
  • I didn't start this discussion to start drama but for some reason that's all this forum creates please opinions are opinions don't get ur panties twisted about what people say! Good grief!
  • If opinions offened you then u must have some issues within
  • I am having my boy circ I just dont like to look at uncirc men. Every man in my family and my bd family is circ so I figure why not plus my child will be in daycare and I would prefer they dont have to deal with the extra cleaning either.
  • We had my 2yr old son circumsized when he was 2wks I was sooooo nervous n scared but he actually took it better than me it never even bothered him even when I changed him! Whew! =P~ hopefully this one is a girl!
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  • @uncaffeinated_katie the only problem with that was once we left the hospital our insurance wouldn't pay for it :-( and at that time we didn't have $400
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  • We have different insurance now and I swear it doesn't cover u if u have a gas cramp so I'm really glad this babe is a girl
  • Start cutting off body parts that may become a problem? Pretty ignorant huh... If its easier for the boy while hes young and as he grows older why not? It does look better and has less chance of infection and who wants to fight off green goo. Just because we as women dont have to deal with the pull back methods, the boys probably would do better off without it anyways. And regardless if it hurts, they wont remember it when their older anyways, like new born girls who get their ears pierced.
  • @junabuggbaby ok I was gonna say that! With the ear piercing but I didn't wanna start a heated discussion that sadly is another thing I will do also! Yes we live in a cosmetic world sorry but we do look at kids toys even barbie has bigger boobs and curvy hips lol
  • I did my son. Bevause.i have heard of the risks of infection in an uncircumsized penis. So. I just decided too
  • I had a hard time with this choice too, but my husband isn't and he wishes he were so we did for our son and will again if it's a boy.
  • I will with my son. Not having it done is just very unattractive in mine and my hubby's opinion.
  • edited March 2011
    Hi girls...a few things to keep in matter how hard we try to teach our children to be respectful of differences they see, they can be evil and mean to other kids. If you're in the United States, the likelihood of your son being in a locker room with other boys is high. Circumcision is a common practice the majority of the time. Similarly, other countries are the opposite. For the sake of your son being made fun of, consider the majority of what surrounds you. Also, your son's male influences are important, too. Showers with daddy that always include discussions around why daddy's penis is different may make your son self conscious. Personally, having been in a serious relationship with an Aussie that was not snipped, I understand it to be loaded with nerves that increase pleasure and not a nuisance at all. Just like us women learn to clean ourselves, boys can learn too. It's not a big deal.

    Personally, I'm leaning toward snipping for my baby (if he's a boy!) because as a child that grew up with freckles, I don't want to invite reasons for other kids to poke fun. You cannot take away the feeling of embarrassment from your kiddo. Although I wish our society was different because there really are no medical reasons why it is necessary other than improper or inadequate cleansing.....
  • If this is a boy, he will be.
  • Its great that leaving the skin could increase pleasure but honestly.... if you never knew what kind of pleasure it was you wouldnt be missing out on much would ya?
  • @mrs_boyd I agree with you if we lived in a country where people didn't circ. Their boys then I'm willing to bet there aren't cleanliness issues, but here since we are refered to as lazy americans we take the easy way out and I don't want my little man being the odd one out he's already almost 4ft tall and hyper so he doesn't need help standing out it the crowd
  • @junabuggbaby I agree my husband seems to have no problem in that area haha and he's snipped I could see if you were 25 and not a virgin and got snipped then maybe there would be a difference idk lol
  • I totally agree! Makes me feel bad for the guys that didn't have a choice but really confuses me for the guys that did it as adults....I don't get it! But that's ok with me....that's their choice!
  • Omg can you imagine how worse they would be if they were more sensitive? We would never get to work on time!
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