I think I did something stupid.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Since my hubby won't be able to come I told my mom she could come to my next ultrasound if she wanted. I don't like the thought of going alone, I feel lonely right now anyways. Problem is my mom is absolutely the most negative person on the face of the planet, seriously. I'm worried shes going to ruin it for me or embarrass me. It's too late now, shes already making plans to make the 10 hour drive. I just hope it goes well. Anyone else have an annoyingly negative mom?
BTW she's more than happy that I'm pregnant, she just has a hard time not pointing out the bad in every situation.


  • I don't have to deal with that situation (my mom just sucks altogether and we don't even talk). I suggest you tell her how you feel ahead of time. Tell her what you don't want her to do. I hope she can be considerate enough to at least honor your request. Good luck
  • Sounds like my dad..(no contact with mother) I just have decided not to tell him anything...he can read my facebook posts like everyone else! Lol be strong...(so you don't smack her) good luck
  • I have a negative mom, but I told her it's your choice. If you dont want to be a part of my childs life then you can remove yourself from mines as well. That straightened her up
  • @Pebblesmommy when I try to talk to her about it she says I'm always belittling her, no matter how gentle I put it. Then she goes on about how her husband thinks she is the most positive person he's every met and I have to refrain from making comments like "Well, if I started out every morning with a 6 pack I might agree." Then the fight is on. I sometimes think it's be bettet if we didn't talk, no one else in her family will talk to her, but truth is I love her.
    @mommyagain I hate when she reads my fb! Lol she says I shouldn't put pics of my kids up or check in because someone is going to kidnap them or stalk and rape me. I mean I understand being cautious, but theres a fine line between cautious and paranoid.
  • oh man I did that for my first ultrasound n I regret it soooo bad lol but shes your mom ya know. mine cried n acted super happy n now hasnt came to see me since im 37 weeks now lol. just let her go but try not to let it bother you
  • My mom is excited but sumtimes she makes me regret bn pregnant...she seems to make a prob outa everything she cried bcuz I was naming my son aftr my bf, she cried bcuz me n my bf broke up n I decided to let him keep the ultrasound pics...it jus makes me so mad she wanted to b n the delivery room wen I give birth I jus wntd to hav my bf bcuz I'm nervous, now I feel like if she doesn't do nethng else she has to b n the delivery room
  • Wow...that's crazy....my uncle is like that about me checking in and stuff....annoys me big time! Hello I'm a freaken adult!
  • My moms not only negative she's pre menopausal so currently she's batshit crazy! Lol. My mom has always been overly negative as well as extremely sensitive. She is the only grown woman I have ever seen that literally pouts like a 3 year old. But for about a year now her emotions and the way she handles them is out of control. Everything and everyone is out to get her and her life is just so damn horrible you couldn't believe it (not!!) I also apparently got pregnant, lost my job, and lost my home simply to ruin her life. She's gotta have all the attention on her wether it be positive or negative and everyone has to feel sorry for her. Its so bad that im questioning even having her at the hospital when I deliver because the last thing I want to worry about is offending my mom. And to top it all off I've got to live with the woman so I can't escape it!! Lol. So I completely feel you. You just gotta take it with a grain of salt and hope that every time your with her will be the miraculous changing point. Its better to approach with as positive an attitude as you can muster because then it at least has a chance of going right :)
  • Ugh! So sorry! My mother is so frustrating too...doesnt know where her bounderies are and has been trying to push her way into an u.s. And delivery room this whole time...until I needed her to come during a snow storm my husband had to plow but she didnt feel like leaving...only when its convenient for her. I would probly rather go alone than have a negative person come nothing can get in the way of your happiness and excitement but I undersyand the lonely part...its hard im sorry hope it works out!
  • @Rockinmomma Do we have the same mom?!?!?! Sure sounds like it!
  • When i got preg with first son mom told me have an abortion or get married! I didn't, so she told me my whole pregnancy that i would be a bad mom, i should give it up for adoption. When we found out he was a boy, she got real supportive, and sweet, and after the baby was born, went to court and tried to take him from me! We no longer speak.
  • edited March 2011
    @Maranda3 Haha thats great :))
  • I have a mother who is exactly like y'alls! I am only 11 wks pregnant and already not doing things right according to her, though this is my 2nd child and I'm doing nothing differently this time around. My brother and his wife just had a baby 2 mths ago and even everything they do that she doesn't agree with is my fault. She won't be in the delivery room at all! If I didn't work in the same building as her I probably wouldn't tell her when I was having the baby either. Just remeber ladies we don't want to end up the same way with our kids!

    Congrats to everyone! Happy pregnancy!
  • Sounds like my mom too, I've learned to ignore a lot and understand she isn't happy with herself so she's a bully to bring everyone else down too. She does love you to drive 10 hours. Putting up with her cruelness knowing you can't ever win an argument on your feelings, limit this by limiting time spent with her, there is a reason after all why you asked her. My mom even told me I'm an adult she thought I could deal with my own feelings, she cops out on caring about anyone but herself and wants everyone to only care about her. Have fun and don't let her get you down.
  • @4senough Wow! Thats horrible! My mom would never do that, she loves her grandbabies. She just had a horrible way of pointing out everything that could possibly go wrong. And always makes everything about her.
  • Ya my mom was the same way. My mil tries to make everything about her too. But your mom wouldn't drive that far just for a sono if she didn't love you. A lot of parents have trouble communicating how they feel with their children, idk how to get over that obstacle, obviously. But good luck to you!
  • I have a totally critical mom too. Always very discouraging. If I were in your shoes I would let her come to the ultrasound and see how it goes. She might want to come to your birth so it would be a good test if you should call her in time to let her get to the hospital or wait until the baby is born to call her. My mom really wants to come to my birth but last time I let het come I said I didn't want to tear and she said it was ok for me to tear it would heal. I told her I wasn't going to tear and that it was my body not hers needless to say she's not coming to my birth this time. Maybe your mom will be really excited at the ultrasound.
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