to circ. little boys or not



  • ^^^but think of all the money they would save on lub! Seriously tho, the american pediatrics assoc doesn't even reccomend it.
  • Its harder to get in with the skin anyways @suziq and it avoids green goo. yuckkk
  • ^^^so does a shower. But I know where your coming from. Some men do have bad hygiene!
  • @junabuggbaby what is green goo? Sorry, have to ask ;-)
  • When you dont clean it properly it begins to stick and they green goo. Literally its gross. And avoidable with cutting that skin off!
  • Green goo is usually what's under that skin if he doesn't keep it clean
  • Ohh ok..yeah that's gross. Especially when you consider the primping and pruning we go through if we think someone's gonna see us naked!
  • I am having a boy and was worried about this issue. So far my research is showing that circumcision is an unnecessary and purely cosmetic procedure and I won't be putting him through that pain. I read of a child who bled out and died after being circumcised. I can't take that chance. N I wonder how these mothers who
    r too lazy to pull back a foreskin plan on keeping an incision clean.
  • I am having a little boy, and I am having him circumsized. Not for religion in any way but because the risk of infection, it is easier for a person not circumsizded to get an std, if he don't clean it properly when older he can set up an infection (uti's) also when he gets older if put in a nursing home it tends to hurt them when pulled back because the nursing homes don't do this as often as they should. I was a cna for a while and cannot explain enough how often an older man screamed because the tip began to grow up over it. Its not that expensive where I like 200$ and its done . Wouldn't have it any other way.
  • If I have a boy he won't be circumsized. Teaching good hygiene is important anyways. I see no reason to change my baby, again, if it's a boy. :p I'm hoping for a girl though!
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  • My husband and I agreed that we are circumsizing our son.
  • @twinkiesmom I dont think its being lazy I think its looking out the child now and in his future for his wife and for himself as he ages. That agonizing pain in nursing homes when they do NOT clean it properly. And I know many men who have been circumcised in the family and even out of the family more than I know people who have died from it. So why not? Its like not driving a car just because many children and families have died from accidents? >:D<
  • Thats what I meant @firsttimemommytobe it should be exactly the same lube or no lube (tmi I know)
  • Calling other mothers "lazy" for their choice is unnecessary. Why can't we all express our opinions like adults without resorting to name calling....
  • @MrsAnderson0602 I think we should just let people say what they have to say and not take it to heart. And explain why we feel its not being lazy. This isnt elementary were all adults right? Just her opinion I suppose.
  • I have a little girl, so when we found out this was a boy I hadn't thought of circumcision at all. They asksed me and my hubby and he automatically said he wanted it done. Its fine with me if he gets it, and perfectly fine if he doesn't. If I have to do a bit more cleaning so be it. I mean either way I wont feel any different about him.
  • @JunaBuggBaby, I wasn't personally offended, I guess I just don't tolerate rude people well, lol.
  • Hi all, dont know what we are having yet but will do it if It's a boy. My brother was on top of my nephew about cleaning and pulling it back to see that the skin did not stick and my nephew how is 15 now wishes they would have done it from the start. He has gotten bad infections and I don't feel it is worth putting their health at risk.
  • edited March 2011
  • Ok ladies my comment is referring to those who r planning to circumcise because they don't want the extra work of cleaning it which is said quite a few times on this thread. It frankly is baffling to me. Seems like a small price to pay. Also the hospital where I'm delivering doesn't offer any pain relief. I can't bear to hear him scream. Not that I'm sure I would want him receiving drugs.... I do apologize if anyone feels offended. I was offended by tbe "gross" comments. But its all opinions we're all entitled to them.
  • I haven't got my boys done i wouldn't want my parents to cut off some part of my body I think its a personal choice here in aus lots of place won't do it for no medical reason I have 3 boys they have never had a infection neither has hubby . I don't think Ur a bad parent if u do it.
  • Whatever your reason is for doing it, or not doing it, let's not act like people are cutting off their kids legs. If parents feel like they're making things easier on their sons in the long run, then that's their decision. If other parents don't see it as something that they need, or want, to do, then that's fine too.
  • I don't think anyone said they got it done so they could be lazy I know me and a few others commented becaue others are lazy but we worked or work in healthcare I didn't get my sons done bc I'm lazy I did it based on experiences with lazy others
  • I say circumcision if he gets an infection n its necessary. or cuz of religion. cz if not then let him decide when he is old enuff to make his own decision
  • I have never seen an uncirc penis. Not really in a hurry to do so either. My best friend is a dude he is uncirc n he loves it. Sooo idk. Nor do I really care :) Ill have it done if I have a boy. My reasons being hygiene and less stress on the child for being different or whatever. Btw its not "chopping off a body part" jeez, someones extra sensative. to each thier own. Some of u act like mommys who circumsize thier sons are cutting off the whole freakin thing. My doctor actually recommends it and I never went to med school so I think ill side with him on this one.
  • edited March 2011
    My bd didn't have hiss done till he was 2 cause his momma didn't see the need... but he ended up not being able to pee for awhile so he had to go back &get it done..which was more painful then ..than it would have been as a baby.. also my two twin cousins were circumsized one grew back.. and from experience not opinion it isn't as easy to keep the uncircumsized clean like the other(circumsized) .. & I can't help but wonder if that little boy will someday be emrassed of being different. If I am having a boy which we are hoping for he will be without a doubt circumsized...
  • I would definately do it.
  • I would if I had a son.its just common sense cuz yeah you can teach them to clean it but theyre boys and get dirty and stuff and will forget to clean it or get lazy and not shower for a couple days cuz theyre boys its what they do lol I wouldnt want his boy parts to get all hurt and infected poor thing.iam circumsized and dont have to worry about that stuff and he shouldnt either.just sayin lol.and I heard like usually if the father does have it done then he will most likely want his son to be and if hes not then hes most likely not going to do that its just whatever that father thinks or just tradition to go what the father has
  • I'm seeing a lot of ppl say they don't want their son to stand out or be improperly cared for at nursing homes. I agree with the person who says that the true issue lies with the nursing homes.
    And wats so wrong with standing out? Aren't we all unique anyway? N I've never bn n a boys locker room but r they really looking at each other's penises anyway?
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