how do you get sh*t out of carpet???

Long story short (because I'm so confused and frustrated) my 8 YEAR OLD shit in his bedroom last night. It was everywhere. Noticed a poo smell when we went to bed, thought it was cat poo not covered in the litter box but nope. Open my sons room and omg. I almost puked. It was across his whole floor and ON THE WALL (WTF!?) So got him up to clean his mess & he couldn't answer why he did what he did. He gathered up everything that had sh*t on it (toys n clothes) all the toys went in the trash and clothes in garbage bags for him to wash after school today. Now for the carpet. How do i get the stains and smell out??


  • Ok so i guess it wasn't long story short lol
  • Rent a rug doctor carpet shampooer thing
  • Did you take pics? How bad is the carpet?
  • Use the pet stain/order remover from walmart or a pet store. Is there something traumatic going on for him?
  • Get a rug doctor for the carpet and Mr. clean magic eraser for the wall, I use to work in home health care for mentaly handicaped folks and Mr. clean was my best friend.
  • Yes what the others said!! My son used to pee on everything and poop his pants at school. There were so many changes though for him :/
  • @Cetheridge nothing different has happened at all. its weird because he went back to sleep after doing it (I heard him coughing quite a few times, probably from the smell) and when we woke him up its like he didn't know what he did. he had no emotion the whole time. so idk what's going on. I actually wonder if he was going to tell me about it (although you can't hide that smell I smelled it all the way from downstairs and his door was closed)
    we had something like this happen a few months ago but he had thrown up on his floor and didn't tell me. it had been there for days! I couldn't see it because it was on the other side of his bed. He seriously needs help. his pediatrician never calls me back though & you have to jump through hoops and wait months to get an appt here!
    I guess I'm renting a cleaner. or maybe I'll just call Sears to come do it. I wanted my living room floor done anyway. ugh :(
  • @Steph_due_101611 no I didn't take pics I can barely stand to be near his room. its 3 smallish spots and one big one by his door. the rest was all over clothes and toys because his room was a mess
  • Luckily none on his mattress!
  • @heyitsme was it like an oops couldn't help it or like he did it intentionally? My son straight up pooped in the floor a long time after being potty trained but he ws 3 and his dad just deployed that day and I think it was more of an acting out type thing.
  • @Cetheridge I honestly don't know and he won't tell! the only thing he said is that he tried to keep it in one spot ?? but it was splattered on the wall too! and in a box that he keeps his wooden train tracks in.
  • A kid doesn't 'shit', they doodoo or poop!
  • Ok try fantastic spray!!!!! It works wonders!!! It takes baby poop out of all of my sons clothes when he has a blowout. He's 6 months old and breast fed. You'll have to scrub though lol. Another thing is my step son he has puked in the middle of the night and not known anything. He has also peed in his bed too and he's 7 years old. He has no idea he's doing it. My daughter doesn't pee in her bed but she sleep walks and talks badly! The doctor told me when they get into REM sleep aka a deep sleep they sometimes don't know they are doing things. He may need to be tested for sleep Apnea. Or how ever it's spelled lol. He honestly may not know he's doing it. It's probably just of a shock to you as it is him and an embarrassment as well. He maybe afraid he's going to get into trouble for doing it. It's an accident more then likely so don't yell and scream at him. Also if its taking that long for your doctor to get back to you I'd be saying see you later and finding another one!!! Hope that's helped some.
  • @heyitsme Make sure you get some lysol wipes or clorox wipes and a can of lysol so germs don't spread. I honestly wouldn't clean the floor myself, I would have a professional come out and clean it. Sorry this happened to you.
  • edited October 2012
    @Mrsdavis I wish I could afford a professional. can barely afford the rental one! didn't realize it costs so much. but I've rented a rug doctor. hope it works!
  • & I wiped pretty much everything outside his room with Lysol wipes. tomorrow will be cleaning day. not looking forward to it
  • Maybe it was an accident and he was simply so ashamed he didn't want to tell you. Maybe the reason it got spread around a bit is because he tried to clean up a bit or possibly hide it?
    I would not discuss it at all for a few days and then approach him again about it. Reassure him you won't be mad but would like to help him so it doesn't happen again... but your his mum you know him best...
  • Poop is poop no matter what you call it. Think she was just venting....
  • My son managed to weasel out of his jammies and diaper one night, then pooped in his bed. He's a toddler, though, but he went straight up Picasso with his poop. The pet spot spray killed the smell almost immediately. It was in the vacuum section of walmart in a red bottle. That made it tolerable to clean at least.
  • As far as getting it out I would use oxy pet stain remover (walmart) as a pre soak, let it sit for 20 mins or so then use the rug doctor. For the solution (rug doctor) use 50% vinegar and 50% water. It smells at first but when it dries it will kill all odors. Plus its an awesome stain remover. As far as your son, do you tell him to go back to bed if he comes out of his room after he is put to bed? I know I am guilty because kids are like little boys that cry wolf. When its bed time my son will think of anything to get out of bed. Moral of the story.. I know of kids that have accidents in their room because they don't want to get "yelled" at for leaving their room and they don't know the difference between reasons they can and cannot leave the room. It could also be attention seeking from you giving alot of attention to the Lo. He is too old for the usual temper tantrums that 3 year old throw from lack of attention, this may be his cry for attention.
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