CajunMom I have a question & I'm not sure if it sounds dumb or not but this is my first...My OB calculated my due date going by the date of my last period which was Dec 5. I know for sure w/o a doubt, I got pregnant on Dec 18 which is what my first us confirmed. What I am confused about is how far along I am...OB says 16w & 2d but if I didn't actually conceive until the 18th, wouldn't that push me back 2 weeks? I have a book that tells me day by day what is going on w/ baby & tips on what to eat but which date do I go by? Also, I tested positive on Jan 1 which would've only put me being 2 weeks @ the time...Is it possible to get a reading that early from a home test? I'm so confused!
March 2011