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  • soon2b3
    I must ask where u find strength to care for all those babies
    December 2012
  • Wilsomom changed her profile picture.
    December 2012
    • Wilsomom
      I love my little cuddle buddy!
  • PregnantELF
    I was wondering if I could get a copy of your famous list. I really need to get organized with chores. My email is foxxyroxxy831@yahoo.com Thanks in advance. I hope you are doing well!
    November 2012
  • Wilsomom changed her profile picture.
    October 2012
  • Wilsomom changed her profile picture.
    October 2012
  • tinka1326
    Hey hun just read on one of your posts about your views on getting pregnant and leaving it in gods hands. I'm not religious at all so I find religious views/discussions interesting because I like to stay open minded about it and learn a little about all religions. Out of curiosity if as you get older and have more children your body gets to a point where you were told by a doctor you could now safely (for yourself and/or baby) carry another child to full term would you do something to actively prevent another pregnancy and if so what would you do?
    Hope my questions aren't offensive I just find it really interesting, I have 2 kids and 2 step children and iv struggle when I have all 4... I could never cope with more
    August 2012
    • Wilsomom
      No offense taken lol, I would like to say I would leave it in God's hands anyways, but I've never been in that situation so I might struggle with it, idk. I believe our bodies are designed to carry children & when we're too old then that's why we have menopause. If you research it further, you'll notice birth control (besides natural family planning) was just invented about a hundred years ago or so & it had to become acceptable in society before anyone would even think about accepting abortion. So in my opinion it's like preventing pregnancy is another form of ending pregnancy...like choosing to not accept God's blessings that he had planned. I'm not going to judge others who don't believe the same way, but that's how I see it in my personal belief. Even a lot (most) of other christians don't see it that way either, so it's a real struggle to find support sometimes aside from internet groups. Hope I answered your questions! :)
    • tinka1326
      I get your point on bc being readily accepted and not abortion. It's a good point. I think if it was more affordable to raise children these days more people would be inclined to go with gods plan in regards to having children. I definitely believe my body is designed to carry children hence why I had relatively easy pregnancies and deliveries... if I felt that natural family planning was more reliable I would certainly do it but unfortunately I just don't think I could feel comfortable. My partner especially does not want more children and I know he would push for abortion because financially and mentally we wouldn't be able to provide for another child. Since I don't believe abortion should be considered unless for a medical reason and I could never adopt out a baby I'm left with using birth control. I have the mirena (something I have spoken with you about before) and I don't like the way it works... I never remember the pill so our only other real option is for one of us to go under the knife....
  • MommaSC
    Hey just saw something you said about iuds.. so how far does the convinced baby get before something happens from it not implanting.. this makes me really consider removing mine.. im just confused on what your saying.. like with iuds you are getting pregnant often it just doesnt stick because of the iud? Do all birth controls do this?
    August 2012
  • Kindell
    Cook with plain greek yogurt instead of butter. Applesauce and a teaspoon of baking soda instead of eggs/butter when baking. If usiny butter try the i cant believe its not butter
    August 2012
  • mom924
    Thinking of you! Sending you hugs!
    July 2012
  • Wilsomom changed her profile picture.
    August 2011
  • Wilsomom changed her profile picture.
    August 2011
  • Wilsomom joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 2011