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  • babyszydmom
    Hi augustbaby. I had seen a comment you had made about reflux and your son. You said he has silent reflux when reading it you description is the something my daughter does. What are they doing for him? They gave mine Zantac but I didn't know if there was anything else the could do for her. I feel so bad for her when she does it she was born in august. if you could let me know that would be great. You can email me if that's okay at I don't get on here very much.
    October 2011
  • stella
    @augustbaby in case the forum gets deleted if you have facebook and would like to add me my email is my name is christina auker smith
    September 2011
  • kandc1015
    I haven't seen an update yet but I hope you passed!
    May 2011
  • kandc1015
    Did you pass?
    May 2011
  • augustbaby
    I've really been stressing...and trying so hard this past week! I go tomorrow and am so nervous 29 weeks and praying I pass. How far are u?
    May 2011
  • kandc1015
    I passed! They said a lot of people just fail the 1 hour.... Im sure you will pass yours good luck
    May 2011
  • kandc1015
    Hey did you pass the three hour glucose test?
    May 2011
  • augustbaby
    Failed one hour glucose?? Now stressing....
    May 2011
  • Angel452
    Thank u. Makes me feel better
    March 2011
  • lucky7
    Congratulations!Im due aug 10th too.its my best friends birthday who passed away n I really would love for baby to be born on my due date.this is my bout u?
    February 2011
    • augustbaby
      Do u know what your having? I am due aug 10 and found out last week its a boy!!!!
  • augustbaby joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    January 2011