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- hopeful1313
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I just wanna vent
the posting about pot late in pregnancy.......This is breaking my heart!!!!! I don't judge! But this is soooo unfair! I don't smoke or do drugs & I have never tried either one! I use to dink but since being married I don't really anymore just bc I don't want to. Sometimes I have wine but that is it! There are girls out here prego doing
March 2011-
hopeful1313just my opinion...i believe if marijuana is used correctly is can be a great medical alternative to some other prescription drugs out there. after reading her post, i do not believe she is someone that is treating a medical condition quite as much as she claims to be. as with any great medication, it can effect the baby. in the case of smoking pot, risks to the baby if used moderately are slim to none, but she needs to consider withdrawal and quit as soon as possible. im not sure where she lives but some states drug test infants and get dhs involved if anything is in their system. i was surprised that she only mentioned the involvement of the state and not once was she concerned about the baby being born an addict. how sad is that? i understand that sometimes medication is necessary but she needs to be upfront and honest with her dr and try some alternatives that do not have withdrawal type side effects. she needs to realize its not just about her, and she seriously needs to consider putting that baby before herself. if she is not willling to do that she may not be mature enough to have a child and it is very heartbreaking to know people like that have a little one on the way and people like you have so much trouble. im sorry lovebug, i hope this eases your mind a little, and i promise your time will come. i have a story for you but i dont have time right now so i will save it for tomorrow.