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  • mlizzy194 changed her profile picture.
    July 2011
  • mlizzy194
    Ok.. 3 weeks ago I was given a final warning at work for not meeting company standards, my brother died unexpectedly and my grandma died of cancer. I felt stressed. I told my Dr. "I want to go on maternity leave, I'm too stressed to focus on anything and I'm TIRED!" She says.. she can't. I have to have a valid medical reason to fill out my FMLA forms... fine. Now I have 6 weeks left and she is still saying the same thing! WTH? I'm not working till my water breaks.. I'm tired, I want to stay home. I work as an operator for travel insurance.. so I'm sitting for 8 hours.. but it is a stressfull job. What should I do? Should I dump her and see another Dr.? Can she do that?? I'm basically begging her to sign my darn papers! I would hate to loose my job for slipping and then have no insurance to cover this expense! I'm so stressed ... about everything! I want to relax!
    June 2011
    • serenitysmommy
      That's what I had to do when I was pregnant with my daughter women doctors have no sympathy.
  • mlizzy194 changed her profile picture.
    April 2011
  • mlizzy194
    I am 20 weeks expecting a boy. My fiance and I already have a 5 yr old girl together. He has always been the "good man/husband/father/officer" people look up to. ~part of the reason I have been so in love with him~
    Last week I found out he has been having an "emotional" affair. I found old conversations his phone was saving without his notice. Talking about things he would like to do to her...phone sex and other things I won't mention because I will become emotional. This is so out of his character. He says that he became stress, wasn't thinking, was tired of being Mr.perfect and is sorry.
    March 2011
  • mlizzy194 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    February 2011