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  • teenmommy23
    hey . im 18 and this is my first , be happy god blessed you with a child . dont let anyone bring you down or stress you out .you need to take very good care of yourself for the baby <3 im here if you need to talk
    March 2011
  • Mrs4c
    Hi love. :) please ignore any rude comments others may have stated about you being 12. You absolutely have the right to be apart of this forum. If ever you feel judged feel free to talk to those who do care. :) also this app kinda has a lot of drama anyways. So even 30 year olds get caught in the middle and get judged. As for telling your mom your pregnant please do. Or even just any adult you personaly know. :) It's hard telling parents even for me at 24, married, and waited till married to have sex. I had a hard time telling my parents. I was embarrassed even though I had done everything " right".
    March 2011
    • Mrs4c
      Age ain't nothing but a number! !!!
  • mommyofganja
    Hey id just like to say, screw what people think. If god put it there there's no way it could be a mistake I had sex at 12 I didn't get pregnant till now but I know what its like to do it that young.
    Were only three years apart, its not easy telling your mom but its completely worth it.
    And just so you know my mom knows someone that had her first baby at 12 and she got through it her lifes just fine. You'll be okay. If you ever need to talk I'm here for ya. :)
    March 2011
  • graciensmommy
    Hi I also saw your post nd would like to offer myself for any help or support you may need, it is quite important you get the care you need for you and your baby and hun eventually your mom is going to catch on Its quite hard to hide after a while! Your her baby she'll never love you any less!
    March 2011
  • txmoorekat
    Hello @youngparent98. I read a post where people are sort of freaking because you are so young. I just want to say that you can reach out to me if you need to talk to an adult or need advice. Also, I think it's very important that you talk to your mom or parent about your pregnancy so you can get the care you need. Best of luck to you.
    March 2011
  • bkuneki
    Hey how r you im Brittany 16 and 36 wks pregnant
    March 2011
  • Welcome Aboard!
    March 2011