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  • mrs_america
    Wow ur forum got the most post! See u got support.
    January 2011
  • mrs_america
    Part 2 - I'm back. Ran out of space. Ok playing cards next time you talk to him, tell him first thing - I'm recording us so the baby can see ur true love. Bet he won't yell then. What you feel the baby will to. I think u want ur baby to be a happy baby. I can tell by your story that ur a caring person. After all u took him back. I did to. Single mom doesn't mean ur going to be a bad one. Things happen for a reason. Pray. Know that god will take care of u and the baby. And he will not put challanges in your life that u can't handle. Remeber if he did this to u how's he going to treat the child? Baby or older. I would be so upset if my dad did that to my mom. Maybe the child will figure it out on there own. That's years down road though. I bet your baby will not treat people like he has treated u. Be strong, time heals. And someone else will always come around. I will be praying for you. Keep us posted. Sincerly - mrs. America.
    January 2011
    • aeri
      Thank you so much! I love this idea of recording idea. I appreciate your strength. All of you ladies have been so beyond helpful to me. I turned to this forum so lost...and within a few days I can honestly say I (we) feel so much better. Support means everything to me... I know that was lacking in my exes and my relationship. Thank you very much. You have given me such hope!
  • mrs_america
    You need to read the book "why men love bitches" don't be his doormat! You said yourself once you cut him off and didn't talk to him he didn't like that very much. And ur right, sounds like a boy and you need a man. I to have had a relationship like this. On & off for 3 years. Then I met my man! Nobody said you couldn't find a new daddy for your baby. There out there I promise. Once I kicked my boy to the curb he woke up. But it was to late. I found a guy that was better. Now I'm so happy and that boy is the one who ended up in heart break. Compairing all his new girlfriends to me. Y? Because I'm the one who got away.. its also ok to do what's best for you. If you are upset so is the baby. Yelling can upset the baby to. Tell his sister that. I'm glad you are looking for other opinions because his sister is his sister no matter what. She is always going to come to help him when he is in the wrong. U could have in the babys life, but play ur cards right. I'm sending a 2nd post.
    January 2011
  • aeri joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    January 2011