Yay got to see the baby and its little fluttering heart 167 bpm and 1.46 inches a few tears of joy dropped I'm so excited can't wait til december when I get to meet him or her.
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- babybrooks
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babybrooksYay got to see the baby and its little fluttering heart 167 bpm and 1.46 inches a few tears of joy dropped I'm so excited can't wait til december when I get to meet him or her.May 2011
babybrooksSo first ultrasound tomorrow so excited to see my babies heartbeat too bad its too end early to determine the sex.wanting a girl so I have one of each.May 2011
babybrooksIts official dr confirmation and all I'm due december 8th just in time for xmas and daddies birthday.April 2011
babybrooksok so I am 27 a mother of a 6 year old little boy named Cassanova,I just missed my period and took a test and it came back possitive.I am going to the dr. to be sure but have the hard sharp pain in my abdomen just like when I was pregnant with my son.However me and my boyfriend are hoping for a girl.He is a sagitarius and wants a sag baby so if born on the due date we will have a baby sag(fingers crossed come on girl girl girl) lol so excited for the newbie to be in our family :-)March 2011