Today is brooklynns due date
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- brooklynnleona87
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Hey just seeing how things are going. Give me details about baby! I had my little girl emily rae july 3. 7lbs 21 inches, short but tough labour/delivery. Hope your doing wellJuly 2011
How's it going lady? I went to the doc today and I'm almost 4cm dilated. No contractions though
my doctor thinks once I start getting contractions it will be my time to go in though! Labour dust your way
June 2011-
brooklynnleona87Labor dust to u too :) I hope one of us go lol tomorrow is our due date its crazy to think we will be holding our babies soon I was thinking the other day I just can't see myself as a mother at all and it was acually the first time I thought of this I'm just kind of freaked out by it now idk how to explain it iv gone 24 years with no responsibility and now in just a few short days ill be responsible for a life besides my own although I can't wait because I'm in so much pain but then again I can because when she gets here will be the time I forget how life was before her and it kind of saddens me but I guess its life right lol keep me updated girl I have a doc. Appt tomorrow so watch for my thred :) oh btw do u have facebook if u do look me up under patricia collins ill go change my profile pic to the one I have on pregly so u can find me and lots of labor dust to u my friend :)
miniripOh I understand that feeling. It took me a while to be like yea I'm pregnant and now its freakin me out about havin her here cuz she won't be in my tummy anymore ha. I'm super excited though and yes ill look you up on fb
brooklynnleona87I just wish my baby girl would make up her mind I'm so tired and sore she keeps giving me fauls alarmsJune 2011