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- 06ohiomommy87
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Due Oct 1st n a boy :)
I eat carrots n crackers n stuff through out the day n a chicken sandwich usually for dinner that's the only thing I can stomach I just can't eat much I feel like I should b eating all the time
@faithmom77 your welcome they taste like sweet tarts just a little bad after taste
They have chewable prenatles that prescription
I'm due October 1st and I live in Vienna in between Warren n youngstown
@mommyagain yes I always have to chew gum the paste just makes my tummy hurt!!
@ghettobetty yupp :)
I live in Vienna Ohio 15 mins from Sharon pa
I'm 23 n pregnant with my first my best friend is in Colorado and all my others just want to party so when my bf is gone it does get really lonely
I got zofran it helped sword much I can eat again!!!
@crumbledcookie I just text my best friend alot n I'm from Ohio not much else I can do
Hi I'm 23 my best friend moved to Colorado and the rest of mine I don't really talk to cuz all they do is drink I know how u feel
I'm due October 1st :)
K I will thanks! !
I've been in the hospital 3 times. Thanks for the link ill try anything that might help!!