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- BelleBaby11
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I wish I could help and tell you ladies, but after 3yrs of trying I think I've given myself symptoms and get paranoid every month.. :-$ but good lucky and baby dust to you all
@EscoElla I swear I have the craziest dreams!! I thought I was a freaking super hero who wanted freaking TACOS!!! @Loubylou I feel the same way especially when I have to get up for work!
@mommyto1soontob2 oops! i thought edward was the last name.. sorry.. :-S
if we have a boy we are naming him Royal Jay @mommyto1soontob2 name him Logan Ashton Edward :)
That Happened to me too!! Last month i spotted for 3 days after and this time it was 2 days late and i spotted again.. IDK what it could be..
lol i seriously thought our apartments were horrible.. SOOO.. my neighbors up stairs LOVE playing guaitar hero, me and my fiance know the songs they freaking play, there is always someone walking by our door yelling, the people down the hall have th…
Thanks for your help
20 will be 21 in August and my little casserole is due November 20th EXCITED!!!!
Due November 20th with my first Also VERY EXCITED!!!! ;;)
I hate the smell of condoms and my boyfriend used to use them until we decided to have kids.. every time we pass them in the stores we just laugh and after the birth of our baby I still wont want to use one :-$
Pregnant with my first, and I literally just started freaking out.. I see all the abbreviations and I have no clue what they mean!! Is there a place I can go to catch up on them??