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  • People get defensive when theyve been proven wrong I see!
  • This thread is awesome! It seems to me that some people are putting there fingers in their ears and shaking their heads. Its ok though I normally ignore the sheeples but @captivated you said what I've been thinking and I enjoyed your bluntness! Oh a…
  • Thanks everyone! I am so excited to get started. Now my only problem is trying to stay patient while a wait for my. Orders to get here! :)
  • @bahamamama4828 can you get that detergent in stores do you need to order it? @aishamusa that's what I thought too! Reading about it makes it seem so difficult but my friend just started last week and showed me and its actually really simple! There …
  • I'm in southern VA. There isn't anything near us but I do plan on switching my profile to pic to us breastfeeding. There is a huge nurse in happening in D.C. in August and I've organized a group of women to go! I wish I could do more for this one!
  • This is my dd. She slept great at first would only wake up maybe once to nurse. Then at 3 mos she started sleeping restlessly and waking up either every 2 hours or on some nights every hour on the hour. And shell wake up screaming like she's hurt or…
  • Give the pack away and whenever you think about smoking do something else. Like take a walk or chew ice. It gets easier I quit cold turkey at 5wks now my dd is 4 months and I haven't had a cig in a year.
    in smoking Comment by Diverwfe January 2012
  • Get support and don't listen to docs they seem to be misinformed and only stress moms out I believe they do more harm than good. Talk to women who've been there, join the fb page The Leaky B@@b lots of women with great advice and support. Kellymom.c…
  • She sounds dumb but why would she have to have a section if she waited and not if she went into now I don't understand.
  • Ooh Shyla does the same thing yesterday I ordered one of those! I can't wait y get it on the mail!
  • Thanks @bahamamad4828
  • Def I have the Moby and Mei Tai and love them both for different reasons. Check out etsy.com its a site for all homemade stuff that's where I got the Mei Tai.
  • Looks alot like my mei tai, only I spent $20 on that!
  • :) I feel like doctors more often than not tend to ruin breastfeeding and give out false info or put pressure and stress and new moms.
  • Just a little FYI you can have too much vitamins. Also you don't need to go outside to get sun just sit near a window. Babies store up Vit D while in the room that generally runs out around 6 mos when most babies get solids. Besides all that think a…
  • My mom said hand expressing worked better for her but for me I can't rlly get much out even though I have an oversupply. I found a manual pump the easiest and most effective. Are trying to express like a bottle full or just to releive engorgement. I…
  • Congrats guys I'm very happy for you both!
  • @MrsThompson34 most babies don't need cereal unless diagnosed with severe reflux it can help keep milk down even then their are other options. People now give cereal just bc eveyone else does. It has zero nurtitional value, is tasteless, stretches o…
  • @BellaReust that's horrible and they are clearly ignorant to the many benefits of breastfeeding. Its strange but it seems many people lack common sense. But I guess its easier to spends hundreds of dollars on formula and wake up in the middle of the…
  • Breastfeeding was on sesame street in the 70s and 80s then switched to bottles. I say heck yea its a step forward in normalizing breastfeeding. Which I find silly that even needs to be normalized bc breastfeeding is the most normal natural way to fe…
  • I'm at 3 mos but I will def go at least a yr!
  • @redhead25 check out the "Target Nurse In" facebook page and under documents you'll see a listing.
  • @kindell yup tomm at 10am. Ill be at the target in Chesapeake VA I made an event and have 21 ppl comming! I'm soo stoked and I think well have local media!
  • Do some stairs and squats that should lower baby and dialate you more or bounce on a birthing ball! Good luck I hope your lo comes soon!
  • start upright and keep walking our try a hot shower
  • I met my hubby 6 yrs ago. I was 18 with my best friend (she knew him) and he was buying us alcohol. I thought he was a jerk a few weeks later saw him again at a party and fell head over heels :)! We became umm... buddies ;) bc I lived 4 hrs away but…
    in ... Comment by Diverwfe December 2011
  • I've never had that color, but when my dd had a clogged duct I use my breast milk clears it up within a day.
  • Maybe a friend or your mom any support will help. What kind of nipple shields do you have the ones I had were medela and you just placed over your nipple and latched lo.
  • Could be a growth spurt, they normally occur at 3 wks. Or you lo could have a bad latch and you can try the nipple sheilds if you do just make sure you keep pumping at least once a day to keep supply going! Or they could just be still getting the ha…