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- Elizabeth
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Im due 9/7/11 and recently alot of my ms has basically gone away im so glad to hear others have experienced a similar decrease I was getting scared something was wrong
Due sept 7 with baby #1. Getting excited
That's just dumb of her to say anything. I have often said I have a reptilian parasite, doesn't mean I don't love it ( 9 weeks and 3 days) it's just how I feel. My husband call him/her a jelly bean what's the difference
At my first they did an internal ultrasound did my height, weight and blood pressure. And I had a limited anual my ob said that since I had a pap in the last year I didn't need a full one and only felt the pelvic bones to be sure I could vaginally …
I'm almost 9 weeks and I am nauseaous all day but get really bad in the afternoon / evening ( that's when the nausea turns into more than nausea). I feel tired alot of the time and have mild cramping from time to time with sore breasts and some body…
I plan on working until at least 20 weeks ( I am almost 9 now). I mean I totally understand that up all night stuff, we are really under staffed when it comes to ambulances where I am so its not uncommon to only get 30 minutes a night of "sleep…
good luck! I had my first one last week and I felt the same way totally excited but super nervous at the same time
wow i am a paramedic (and pregnant) so i work the same kelly schedule ( 24 on 24 off for three on days then 4 days off) and I really dont think its that much to ask. I understand that some nights are bad but not all are and he should be understandin…
I love fruit especially pineapple simply can't get enough of it. On the other hand I want nothing to do with meat especially ground beef and ground turkey the thought kinda makes me want to hurl
I have actually had some luck with them but only as long as im sucking on them once its gone... nausea is back ( but its some short term relief )
Nope don't worry about it I work in he medical field and ask people some really weird and personal questions I hope yu doc appointment goes welll adif you start to get really dizzy/light headed or pass out or significant increase in bleeding do to t…
Well as weird as this is bright red is usually a better sign. You should still contact your doctor but bright red usually means that it's not a gastrointestinal bleed so I would guess maybe hemmroids. Please see or at least call your doc to let them…
Im due sept 7 with both of our first and just had our first ultrasound on monday. I still don't feel like it's totally real I hope next month when we hear the heart beat it feels more real.
On the deli meat note my ob said that any deli meat that is fresh cut like at delis on one of those wheel style meat cutters is a huge NoNo. Something about bacteria and the actual machines.
I know this is much but is it bright red or dark like coffee grounds
First due sept 7, santa cruz california
I think its even better if its your mom and granmothers names which is which?
They are both great names.
Im also just over seven weeks due 9/7, and I am so tired, all the time, I go to bed by 8 almost every night, I also have sore boobs and nausea with vomiting from time to time. I love that others are loving pineapple I just love it these days as wel…
Just a little tip it is 100% illegal for anyone working at the clinic to tell anyone that you were there and if they tell anyone you are pregnant its a hipaa violation and can legally get into HUGE trouble.
Hi all I am also due sept 7 but with my first
I also have a puppy (4 1/2 months) he needs a ton of attention so I totally understand ( im in my 8th week now). I think you just have to remember you made a commitment to this puppy and that it will get easier. Also try the crate again and make sur…
My sister found out at 13 weeks with a 3D, but I would wait till at least 26 weeks when the baby has more fat and looks more like he/she will when they are born ( so much cooler later)
Im seven weeks and I am having the same adversion to meat anything having to do or smelling like meat makes me want to hurl! I am so glad to know that someone else feels the same way.
Its a fantastic drug that has been proven safe for pregnant women! !! Works quick!
@ bella your doc does not have to tell your parents but if your parents inquire and you are not yet 18 or emancipated they can tell them ( the only reason I know this is because I work in the medical field and have had angry kids when they don't wan…
Just an fyi. It's the HIPAA law and if your a minor your parents do have the right to know your medical records, unless you are an emancipated minor, though your parents have no control over your decisions about your pregnancy they do have control i…
So my best friend just had a baby and she could only eat bean and cheese burritos, since I recently have had issued with most everything I tried the bean and cheese burrito and seems to taste pretty good.
Due September 7 with our first. Kind of a random question does anyone else feel totally exhausted after a hot shower