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- HappyMama2Be
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My 1st appt is tomorrow and I'm so excited. I'm litttle over 9 wks and can't wait to hear my munchkins heartbeat :X
If you have no place to go try getting onto local housing. There are places that can and will help you. Especially being an unwed mother. See what you can find out and keep us posted.
Pendleton, OR due November 4th w/ baby #2 >:D<
I had preeclampsia w/ my daughter and didn't know it. I went into the dr for my regular prenatal check-ups 3 months in a row w/ really high blood presure. My dr told me @ all 3 visits not to worry, it's normal. A few days after my 7th month visit, I…
I so can't wait just to hear the heartbeat. I'm SUPER excited to feel movement >:D<
My bd is such an ass. We're not officaly together, but we have a long history. I am head over heals in love w/ the man and he only wants to be friends. Ever since I ment him 5 yrs ago, I knew we were destined to be the mother and father of each othe…
Sweetie, how old are you? I know it seems like a stupid question, but it will help me give you proper advice. I know depending on the state you live in there are places you can go and live while you are pg and after the baby is born they help you tr…
I want to name a boy Daniel James and a girl Maddison Michelle. I think both names are adorable, but my bd isn't so sure :-S
My babys daddy text me right after I tested. I text him back and told him he needed to call me. Being a typical man, he asked me why. I simply replied, just call me. No sooner the text got to him, my phone rang. I was so excited I didn't even stop t…
@ gabschillin, I totally feel ya on all that. I'm 7wks 5 days and have all those symptoms. Can't wait to get farther along.
I am due November 4th, a day b4 my older bros birthday. I am aiming to have a boy and name him Daniel James.