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  • Yup, any pos no matter how faint is a pos. Congrats!
  • The sound decibels are too much on the developing hearing. It can cause damage or defness in the baby. Plus depending on the amo some is not safe to breath in.
  • I started shopping as soon as I found out! Not a lot. Just fun lil things. Its really good to get things like diapers, in all sizes. The infant ones get grown out of fast. But bottles, bedding, blankets, cleanign suplies, all things you will need an…
  • Just sorness after. Some mild cramping as your uterus contracts back into place. Muscles tightening again. Bleeding can stick around for days. Its like a heavy period for the first couple days then fades away. I was walking around and fine the day a…
  • I LOVE lady bugs!! And so does my lil girl. You can find soooo much stuff too. And you could totally make it country. You could even paint cowgirl ladybugs lol w boots and hats :P
  • My husband bbq'd for my first shower, so he was around but mostly in the back ground. Serving us ladies, and helping out with gifts and clean up. Second one was totally bbq-party :) Co ed all the way. Was fun to have guys for him to hang with while …
  • I am a very independant woman, and sometimes that back fires on me! I was strong and fine with my first. Im more of the if you want it done right do it yourself! Kinda person. Hosted a dinner the day I went into Labor! With my second it was harder. …
  • im in love with spicy food period!
  • IT is a great movie! I have had natural births with both mine and would not trade it for the world! Plan on this one the same
  • sry ment to say its because your body almost doubles its blood volume, and that is an area the blood pools, and rushes to when your having sex. Causing the swelling and soreness. Can also cause sensativity though. Making sex better! :P
  • Swelling, soarness, zinging or stabbing pains. Tightening, aching. YUP had it all, very normal. toward the end it gives you contractions. :P
  • ME TOO!! I have 2, bras I can wear. I refuse to buy more befor baby. Cuz then i'll just have to buy even more! sheesh. They should have a way by now that we can just suck um out and pass it around!! lol
  • @lovemyangels ya thats a hard one though. Twins is a lil scary for sure :) and more so when your young! I can't believe they had you on your back though. That just blows my mind. It stinks that dr's give you more fear, and make you feel like you HAV…
  • lol I know, I love how everyone makes being pregnant into this HUGE deal. Im carying a baby. women all over the world have babys all the time. Im not about to pass out, or go into labor right here!! I feel like I can't move some days at work without…
  • @burkath a DDD or J. Im at the DD also. So tired of them. My man loves them though lol I was a J with my first. Only a DD with second. Scared what this one is going to be. I was never this big BEFORE my milk with either!! lol
  • Wow, @lovemyangels I can't even imajon! Induction with no ipidural and on your back!!?? Sounds like torture!! Thats awefull, best news I can give you is this one should feel like NOTHING compared to that!! Even if you choose to do an epidural, I wou…
  • Wow, Im from Tacoma, wish I wasn't but its ok for now lol Im due May 3rd with my 3rd child, second girl. Jazcyra :)
  • LOL some people don't get anything untill their milk comes in. day or two after having baby. Others, like me, start getting them from the begining. But count it a blessing. I can't wear any cute lil maternity clothes, cuz my boobs are too huge and j…
  • Kegals is all the exercise you can do to stop from taring. and massage of corse. But exercise is healthy it gives you more stamina and keeps blood flowing. But if your on bedrest im guessing its because they don't want baby coming early. If thats th…
  • I breast fed both my kids, first one hurt for a couple weeks, but he wasn't latching on right. Second one I got it right and was a little soar for a few days and that was it. Use the Lanolyn cream, and it shouldnt be bad. Plan on it for this third o…
  • Wow, sorry but he sounds like a jerk. He doesn't have to be super attracted to you right now, but have some feeling. And using that as an excuse to find other women?? Thats just un called for. He is the father of your child. You are going to be like…
  • @junabuggbaby yah, your pretty much the reason people DON"T go to church.. That was just ignorant. Read the word a bit.
  • Fish is soooo good for you!! Its prob just what your body needs. Most cravings for good foods are. As long your not eating it 24 7 im sure your fine! Tons of brain food, and great nutrition! Im not a big fish eater but I crave shrimp with my girls! …
  • Yep, my lil man did the same thing at two!! I think they like the sound and feeling. I would try to get him to stop. But he started doing it in his sleep as well. He is 5 now and hasn't done it for a long time thank goodness. Good Luck!!
  • I can't find an underwire thats comfortable, but I also can't do without! They just don't give enough support! Or they just smush me ! lol I've gone from a 34c to a 34DD So its tough to find! I hate bra's at this point lol I even spent 65$ a bra on …
  • I pick my almost 3 year old girl up from time to time. She is heavy and I don't cary her too much. But she is my snugle bug. I just let her know, mommy is carying baby Jazcyra in her tummy too, so both of you get a lil to heavy for mommy. And I try …
  • I can understand the reasoning behind it. And in truly dire situations I don't know. But I can't stop thinking when does it stop being a "Fetus" and become a "Baby" a real live person. There was just a story on the news about a w…
  • lol ya, its hard to avoid sometimes! I had to just get away for a few days. didn't log on at all. Just because there was a lot of drama, then tons of negativity! I am a very posative person. I try not to dwell on that stuff. I understand people have…
  • Its normal. Especialy as you get closer to delivery. Your body has all kinds of fun fluids n things durring pregnancy lol. And the cramps were prob braxton hicks, or just cramps from a lot of walking. Just take it easy n let your dr know. But you ar…