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  • I'm due may third, and am soooo ready!! I'm cramping, exausted, and having contractions off and on. I'm just ready to be done being pregnant! I want my baby girl, and I want my body back!
  • I'm Sure your baby is great. Dont freak out. Those tests are silly I think. It's only to say you may have a chance.. And I have a co worker who had the amnio done, found out her baby was fine then miss carried. Your doc never should have told you I'…
  • I Had a madella and loved it. Just be sure you get a double. Most out there today are good. They come with bottles and and extras. It's worth spending the cash for a good one. are you planning on brst feeding and pumping? I couldn't get as much pump…
  • Google Pressure points, there are some that put you into labor, hulla dance, belly dance, movement moves baby down into birth canal, but try not to exhaust yourselves. You will need energy for labor!
  • Could Be just a matter of days now if thwy were that strong. I had contractions for several days with my second. But once labor started for real it was 5 hrs till my baby girl. Your body is prepping! Good luck!
  • Lol I know, it's annoying and hard to understand!
  • I Had my nipple pierced for years and nursed just fine. Your nipples are porous, not just one hole. Milk is not in yet, you dont get your milk until the baby nurses, 24 to 48 hrs after baby starts sucking, now you just have colostrum. Clear liquid t…
  • your Baby Has prob dropped, putting. Pressure on your blatter, bowels etc. plus you body is starting to prepare for labor, clearing out, making space. You only have a few weeks to go!
  • It puts a lot of pressure on the small muscles holding up your uterus, and you dont want your heart rate to get to high. If you damage that muscle it can be permanent. If you can do brisk walking, or maybe use an elliptical machine? It would be safe…
  • I Had both mine narural. Planning on the same with this one. I would never want a c section if I didnt have too. I have two good friends who had to, one had lots of issues, the other was ok after, and I'm so thank full they had that option. But seei…
  • sooooo sorry! I have lots of friends that are military, and there dr are the worst by far!! Just dont let them ignore out bully you. If you have issues or concerns make them take the time! @Jojom Thats horrible! I am 5 5 and started at 120 lbs, I ga…
  • Electric!! Soooo much easier! They come with batteries so you can even pump on the road. Manual is doable. Just a lot more work!
  • first day of your cycle. So when ever you start to bleed. Spotting of strong, first blood..
  • I Recommend them. We learned breathing, pain dealing tech. All different kinds of births, how to deal with everything from heart burn to sleeping problems. Answered tons of questions, and met some great people due around the same time.
  • They Will do the strep b test next. Just a quick swab, the next should include your birthing plan. They will check you off and on through out the next 4 weeks as they feel they need to, or if you feel like you might be progressing..
  • Yes, baby is completely surrounded by fluids and muscles are still covering uterus. So no problems there. You would have to get hit very very hard for it to hurt you at this point.
  • wow, I can't believe how mean and horrible people can be! Especially family! The worst thing I get is people asking if I'm having twins! I had one lady ask"are you sure"! Ysa I'm 35 weeks, and exactly where I'm suposed to be! Whats with pe…
  • with my first I went from a c to a full ddd. Second one about the same. This one I'm 35 weeks and already a dd. Going to be interesting to see what they are when my milk comes in! Mine went back both times. Though a bit deflated. told my man after I…
  • Just Nurse when ever baby is hungry for a while. Drink lots of water and eat healthy
    in Breastmilk Comment by Kmose77 March 2011
  • I Had both my kids natural, wouldn't change it. Best experience of my life. This one is going to be the same. Watch the business of being born!
  • Try Pressure points. I google them and found at least three that are suposed to trigger labor
    in overdue Comment by Kmose77 March 2011
  • Sounds Like your body is getting ready. Drink lots of water and take it easy. Dont want that little one too early!
  • Sorry, my son knocked over my computer and broke it! So it's hard to search on just my phone. But if you google Gianna Jenssen you can watch her speak. She is amazing to hear. true testimony of Gods amazing power and love.
  • My Dr actually showed me in his medical drug book that has ratings for preg where vicodin is rated bad for pregnancy it's a c out of an a thru d rating. Which makes it dangerous. He said dr's do but he would not as he wouldn't take that risk. Tylona…
    in vicodin Comment by Kmose77 March 2011
  • I had my son circumsized. It only took a few minutes, and he was perfectly fine and happy just minutes after. They numb it up. and its forgotten within minutes. My ex was not and he had nothing but issues all the time. And he was very faithfull with…
  • I would go in. Or make an apt for first thing. I am low iron as well, I get dizzy A LOT but if your concerned the dr should be there. I know lack of sleep and baby sucking all nutrience helps. But don't let them ignore you. You know your body better…
  • There is another women i used to have the link, i will try to find again, she was aborted also and survived, but she has lots birth defects due to the salien. But she is an amazing happy woman who speaks all over the world to educate people. She is …
  • Yah, we are more medicated then any other country in the world. And have the highest infant death rate. Sad. I've had both mine natural and no problems. Tore with my son but didn't even know untill she told me. Sad part is Dr's have us all convinced…
  • water, water, water. You will get dehydrated super easy!! Drink a ton of water. Your bodys blood is doubling, along with a lot of other fuids, and its harder for the body to circulate, plus the baby is getting EVERYTHING. So drink a ton of water. Th…