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- Mama2four
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Im in canada :)
I feel tons of movement! Im due june 22 fourth child
My husband will have a few every now n then. I drink the virgin version's
Keris , kerhys
@firstmama u mention the name Leander thats my husbsnds grandfather, father and brothers name. So we wont be going that route...lol however it is a nice name
Thanks some very interesting names :)
Im due june22 with a boy. We have a 11yr old girl, 6yr old boy and a 15month old girl
Very diff thanks :)
I was 10wks I was not feeling good n had the runs the night b4. I was laying on couch felt very wet stood up I was full of blood. I had no cramps until I started to pass the baby hours later after I left er
:( im so sorry... Ive been in your position b4.
My previa has now moved to marginal. I hopebit just moves out the way! I dont want a c sec... I receive another ultrasound @30 wks
I was told by my doc no sex
I have complete previa.... Im 20weeks n get n ultrasound on thurs hopefully it resolved. I will let uknow. My dr said most cases resolve by tge time u give birth
My husband is african american and native... Im white. We have 3 kids 1 has straight hair other is wavy n my baby has super light hair but curly...lol they are all brown skin. Im curious to see what this baby is going to look like.. I love mixed …
im not in this situation, butt find it repulsive how men have no problem not wrapping it up and enjoying all the fun. Well what do they think is going to happen? N they blame u girls? I dont think you forced them to ejaculate! This angers me how t…
Im going to try...seems interesting Me Him Him Me Me Me Thanks :)
I have a forteen month old and im 19 weekd 4 days pregnant
Lalainya for girl prounounced la_lane_yah. Such a beautiful name
Darn touch phones lol high risk was ehat I meant
I have a hugh risk pregnancy n should not be lifting anything over 5lbs. However I have a baby who just is over a uear old n weighs close to 30lbs I lift her every so often when I have to what im saying is u will b just fine :)
Im 31 on my fourth child and I got shit from the mil b%#ch! And im married to my husband for 9 years together for 15 and I dont ask for nothing from no 1 . We do it byourselves. Some ppl I tell u. They dont have a right to say n e thing when we w…
Ps u dont need ultrasound gel.... I use aloe vera gel. Works great and wont ruin doppler. I also just rub it in 2 my belly after
I purchased mine off ebay its a sonoline b 3mhz doppler with lcd screen 3 differant modes. I first heard my heartbeat when I was 9 weeks 3days
I felt it at 15 weeks. Now im 19 weeks 2 daysa n I feel baby all the time. Im also a thun girl 2 begin with. I read larger set girls may feel it a litte later not sure if that is true or not
Yup I am. I have complete previa. I found out when I was 12 weeks. Im not on complete bedrest jyst no lifting heavy house work any type strain etc... N yes no sex I get sonogram next thurs he said I should see change hopefully because I got it so…
Caffine id bad for u in large quanaties
Yup exactly no need to pump n dump. As soon as the alchol(however u spell that lol) is out of your blood it is out of your milk. Have a drink right after u nurse is best
Thanks guys keep them coming... I need a long list to choose from. My husband and I have a difficult time agreeing on names lol :)
With this pregnancy I never goy morning sickness till I was just over 7 weeks