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  • @mommyto1soontob2 I get the test because I'm high risk (two blood clotting disorders, history of recurrent miscarriage, advanced maternal age, the list goes on). If you are young and healthy, there's no reason to have the tests done. It will most li…
  • @mom2be_sherryy The genetic testing is easy. They do an us, take blood and you talk with a genetic counselor, who gets a thorough family history from you. They take all of the info and put it together to tell you the odds of baby having various gene…
  • I'm 35, pg with my 2nd (and last, due Oct 10). I have a girl, so a boy would be nice. I have an amazing dr, but have had some real quacks in the past.
  • I'm definitely showing. Due Oct 10, and I look like I'm halfway there, at least. I'm short and already quite a bit overweight to begin with. I'm down 2 lbs so far. Dr says that's fine since I "have some reserves". Guess that's a nice way o…
  • I'm due Oct 10 and live in the dfw area. This is our second. I'm ready to find out what this baby is so we can buy more. We bought a stroller today.
  • Same here. At the very least, tying the tubes after this one. Our family is complete.
    in Shots? Comment by MindyLouWho April 2011
  • It's so worth it. The shots are a minor inconvenience. It's the 3rd trimester I'm dreading. Last time I ended up with everything I googled. I don't look things up anymore, lol.
    in Shots? Comment by MindyLouWho April 2011
  • I have prothrombin factor 2 and MTHFR. We did a lot of testing after 3 miscarriages. I was glad to get a diagnosis for something treatable.
    in Shots? Comment by MindyLouWho March 2011
  • I'm on 5000 units twice a day. Also just switched from lovenox. I like heparin better. Lovenox used 27 gauge needles. With heparin I can use 31 gauge and barely feel it. So much better!
    in Shots? Comment by MindyLouWho March 2011
  • I bf my first for 17 months. When she was able to give it a name, it was time for me to stop. Regarding teeth, if you react in a way that startles baby, they totally won't bite again. First time, I reacted on instinct: popped her on the back of the …
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I had 3 miscarriages in 2006, swore I'd never try again, took antidepressants for a while, then ended up going to a grief counselor. Find what helps you. It's different for everyone. When you're ready, you will smile agai…
  • Yes, that's what I meant. My real age is 35.
  • Yay! I'm not alone! I will be 36 when this one is born. I have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter. It took 10 years to get her, so this was a big surprise, getting pg again so soon.
  • LOVE the My Brest Friend pillow! I'm a plus size gal, and the Boppy seems to be made for a size 2. Never could get it situated right. After I got the Brest Friend, baby and I both relaxed and things got easier. I took it everywhere for months. With …
  • I'm buying little things now, like diapers. I want to buy a crib and dresser, but my husband won't let me yet. I'm 12 weeks. I already have a daughter, so if this is a girl we don't need much. If it's a boy, we just need clothes, crib and dresser.
  • The best advice I got last time was to request a lactation consultant in the hospital, and stick it out for the first 6 weeks, no matter what. That's the hardest time, because you have to learn how to breastfeed while teaching your baby. They have t…
  • I'm due Oct 10 with our second. We have a girl and this will be our last, so I would like a boy. But I'll be just as happy with a girl.