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  • So there is nothing I can do my midwife said to just keep walking alot
  • Yah ive tried! :( @pawgio
    in Help Comment by Missmami August 2011
  • Oh ok ive never had it until I got pregnant!
    in Yellow Comment by Missmami August 2011
  • So if u women had pink eye u would honestly put ur own breast milk in or on your eyes? Dont get me wrong im not trying to say anything bad towards it im just curious! I guess it could be worth a shot lol!
    in My eyes Comment by Missmami August 2011
  • Really wow I did not no breast milk had so many diff things it could work for have u personally tried it for any of those purposes? @mschop and thanks I have drops and I deff feel better my eyes were so blurry before I got thease eye drops!@bigmamak
    in My eyes Comment by Missmami August 2011
  • Ok thanks everyone lol a cats tail breast milk I have never heard of either those r very intereasting!
    in My eyes Comment by Missmami August 2011
  • September 2nd a surprise! But its my third kid!
  • Lol good idea except I havent been to l&d this whole pregnancy! So yep but it would be good to have just incase for those times u think.... Maybe my water broke! Does it work the exact the same as the nitrazine?
    in Just a ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • Its spelled nitrazine I think!
    in Just a ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • Its the paper that they use to check if ur water broke B
    in Just a ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • Thats pretty painful im sorry ! Thats not how bad mine feel so its probably nothing
  • Thats where mine is located at low abdomen and kind of a shooting pain into my vajj its all along the bottom part and as far as I no I dont have any contractions eaither were yours very painful?
  • I just had a nap drank a lil water befor my nap and now woke up its still there where wad your pain located at? What did it feel like? Mine is not very painful.and im already supposed to be on bedrest @mrsforesee
  • Its ok maybe I guess its just baby pushing down real hard!
  • I have alot of times I get like real fait like as if I'm goin to black out then I get real nauseas and puke my brains out I havent gained any weight babys fine tho my doc says! I've mentiond it to my doc and she said more water its jst half the time…
  • @ashleyfew its not until august 2nd!
  • Oh well thats good to hear!i dont need to worry but I seriously feel like crap maybe I'm dehydrated cuz its so damn hot I feel so week !
  • @beautiful_altar u had no symotoms of preeclampsia? Idk if I have it or not and idk why I have protein in my urine what other reasons could there possibly be? But hopefully Evertthing is ok and my baby will come soon or on time im so done being preg…
  • Whats ttc sorry lol? And yah im just ready for this all to be over I'm starting to get real anxious and all I do is stay home I have 2 kids now but I want some girl company already lol
    in Bored!! Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • I'm 34 weeks @ahuyser she put me on modified bedrest for some reason too I was just worried sometimes people dont have to have all of the symptoms to have something be wrong with them
  • Ok thanks girls!
    in Mucus? ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • 34 weeks
    in Mucus? ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • I just had my appointment today they found protein in my urine but low bp and I really havent gained weight I have swelling and feel week and like im goin to pass out I drink water and eat but cant gain weight idk she said it could be preeclampsia b…
  • Right it doesn't make a noise queefs r embarrasing lol but maybe? I hope not it only happend to me once so far
    in Va j j ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • Lol I'm 32 weeks what bout u guys?
    in Va j j ? Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • Oh well thats good to no also have any of u expierenced the baby hitting a nerve in ur va jay jay cuz if it was baby hitting a nerve my whole va jay went numb down there weird I no but has anyone had that happen?
  • Its just been in the same spot tonight and it hurts bad! Like I said it comes and goes but in the same area so idk.i hope its baby@bentleysmommy
  • Ok thanks and no theres no itching or smell but its kinda alot I think but I will definitly will tell her next time but its in a week do u think it would be ok to wait that long? @ashleyfew
    in Discharge Comment by Missmami July 2011
  • Thats a good idea lol @beautifulone
  • Oh ok it just seemed.really weird as if I was going to start my period like in the few days before u actually start u no it gets that smell to it? But thanks ill try what u said @ynvtish