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- Mom2bIA0528
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My mom bought my crib as a baby gift...then my four aunts and grandma all pitched in for another big gift...my cousin got a glider but I didn't want that so I took the cash and bought smaller items
I hear ya girl! I have been going through the same thing, I'm 39 weeks I have been having inconsistent contractions for four day now, it hurts so bad!!! They said it could last days or weeks before I'm in active labor! I just hope she comes soon so …
8 days!!
Only with a kleenex, my 5 year old stepdaughter eats hers and it makes me puke like actually puke, me and her dad have been talking to her about it! It has to stop! Honestly gaging while writing this! :-S
I got stuff that wasn't on my register and it didn't mind..and some more experienced moms knew what I would need better then me so I was grateful they got things they knew I would need
My favorite games are the poopy diaper game, where you melt different choc.bars in a diaper and people guess what kind of candy bar it is, and winner gets a prize like a gift card or something..at my baby shower I put on the invites bring a bag of d…
They look and looked for a penis (my bf n his family were hoping for a boy) but found a vagina :)
My beautiful big belly! Person below, what's your craziest craving?
My mom, cousin and one of my aunts have all had abnormal paps after further examination all were fine! Don't worry too much!
@Beatrice1436 I am 39 weeks
Only makes you contract not dilate @homebirthadvocate
Only makes you contract not dilate @homebirthadvocate
I heard it can also be in the placenta but idk if that's true
Third, I didn't start really gaining until my third trimester I have now gained 27 lbs n I'm 39 weeks
With my ex we were always safe but the condom broke, I took it n didn't get pregnant but idk if was bc the pill or if I just wasn't ovulating
EBay has a cute purple one
I have Group B Strep, it is an infection found in & around your vaginal and rectum that you can pass to your child during delivery, so they put you on antibiotics while your in labor to cut down the chances of passing it along to your baby...1 i…
My boyfriend tells me how beautiful he thinks I am everyday, and how much he loves me and our child. He doesn't say anything to make me breakdown, the only time I cry is when I feel my hormones get the best of me and I know I'm being a bitch to him …
@soon2bmomof2under2 I'm 39 weeks, really hope these are contractions I got an appointment at 11:30 so we will see
@krazymomofadrian my brother lives in Cedar Rapids we go down there a lot, @soontohavethree I hope it works! I have been having pain this morning not sure if it is contractions I got an appointment at 11:30 so I will talk to her about it and see wha…
Yeast infection
With kidney infection it hurts in your back area beneath your rib cage
@krazymomofadrian I wouldn't take Castrol oil that only makes you contract not dilate my friend did that, I'm more of a natural person I will try the tea n capsules my midwife told me to get...I'm from Waterloo, IA
I'm so sorry! We lost our cat Sis (who I had since I was 2) she was 18 years old, and this year our boy Bob was purposely hit and killed in February at 9 years old...I cried everyday for weeks with both! My heart goes out to you!
That's the law in Iowa...that's why I told my bf I need a debit card to pay at the pump! I wonder about those things too
13 days to go!
White chili
13 days left :)
First test neg, the next week still no af went and got 3 more test first one was faint the other two were clearly +...I was a little in denial lol now I'm 39 weeks with a baby girl...
This is my first its funny how no one mentioned this before I got pregnant lol but it wasn't planned so wouldn't have mattered anyway