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- Mom2bIA0528
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*update* I'm in labor & delivery since 2 am, just got my epidural won't be long now before I meet my baby girl!
Hated the first five months (morning sickness), then I loved it until about 9 months then started hating it, now I'm over due and REALLY hate it!
I had bbq chicken, potato salad, twice baked potatoes, baked beans, corn on the cob, pea salad lol I pigged out but whatever im due today n still no sign of baby I needed comfort food :)
I use them...my midwife told me two tablets inserted vaginal every night before bed...I have been doing it for three weeks but today is my due date & no baby yet
I'm due today! Trust me the last month of waiting is the worst!
Thanks that eases my mind so much, I just don't want my baby in any kind of danger...I'm her mom I'm supposed to protect her
Same thing happens to me...I get no relief just wake up and switch sides, hopefully won't be dealing with it too much longer
Congrats on the baby! But holy crap on all the other things that went horribly wrong! Thank goodness your ok!!
Yum! Love them! I always get cherry or strawberry, my boyfriend loves the grape
I'm choosing the iud after this baby...its completely safe and effective added bonus it last 5 years
I think these children aren't really choosing to dress like girls on their own...I think their parents are probably taking them shopping saying "are you sure you don't want this dress you can get the dress" or "you don't really have t…
@having_a_girl its not fun at all lol I have been trying everything to help it progress with no luck, walking, kiwi, Primrose oil, red raspberry leaf tea, pizza, spicy peppers, sex lol n yesterday she says my cervix is really thin but still a little…
My cousin said she heard & felt a pop right before her water broke...but her water didn't break all the way so once she got to the hospital they broke it the rest of the way...she said it just kind of leaked out of her
The same thing happened to me @ 39 weeks...they were so horrible I could hardly walk for a few days, I just layed in bed it sucked but they never became consistent so I couldn't go to the hospital...now its a week later and I still get them but they…
The last couple months are the longest! I'm due Saturday I feel like I have been pregnant forever! My cousin had her baby two weeks ago which made it even worse bc now I'm just like ok when will I finally get to hold my baby?! Hang in there!
I would consider what's best for you while your in labor...if he is just going to come and be stressing you out then I would make him wait outside the room..the last thing you need is people stressing you out in that situation! I say if he want to c…
My boyfriends older sister & lately her daughter (his 9 year old neice) they are both loud mouths, rude as fu*k, snotty little *itches...they are rude to my boyfriend and say they wish he would die! They call me fat all the time, uh hello I'm 40…
My feet swell pretty much all day & my hands swell in the mornings...so I don't wear rings to bed...I'm 40 weeks
I got the tea, that's what started my contractions that I have been having...I think I will avoid Castrol Oil I know people who have used it & heard some horror stories! Also heard it only makes you contract not dilate! Thanks for your imput lad…
Wow 53 hours! You are one strong lady!! Congrats on the baby
Not unless they need to check something out...or if you pay out of pocket
May 28th! 6 more days to go!!! :)
Good luck I know its so hard to quit even though you know its right! Good luck
I'm just saying that it doesn't matter the back story if you and your SO are throwing punches you will go to jail too...I wouldn't want to be in jail ever let alone while your pregnant! If its an abusive destructive relationship then you need to lea…
I would be careful because pregnant or not its still domestic abuse...
Thanks everyone, I hope I can do this, I want go be a positive mother role model for both girls, I know I'm not her mom and I'm not trying to be (she gets mad if anyone says I'm her mom or stepmom) its just going to be an adjustment, going from no k…
I have been having real contractions that have been inconsistent for five days now..my midwife told me that its normal and just my body preparing for active labor, she also said it could last days or weeks before active labor begins..I'm just so exc…
Yes, a ring is just a symbol..me and my boyfriend plan on getting engaged but he wants a ring first so he can do the whole down on one knee thing but to me a ring is not important, I know we will get married one day but right now we have more import…
I never say my names, my daughter is due in 8 days so everyone knows her name, but I made the mistake of saying my boys name before I found out the sex n bitch tried to steal it...needless to say I freaked on her! I won't make that mistake again whe…
Warm, sticky n rainy...its suppose to rain for 7 days...Iowa