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I have 4 more days until I see my lil diva
I understand where u coming from my honey has 2 other kids a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old this is my first and his third
My due date is June 25 its a girl I am not feeling crampy but I'm gettin fed up. Tired of being pregnant now
I'm 24 first kid, I'm 2 weeks and 0 days I'm due June 25
I have 4 weeks and 1 day left
I'm due june 25 Im feeling ok physically I'm ready and anxious emotional I'm happy I'm new to this mommie thing so i still need practice
@mammacat I understand your pain I'm goin through the same thing thats just the baby adding pressure try getting a cushion that supports your back and booty
I'm feeling tired so ready to get this baby outta of me the changes with my hunny he has the fatigue thing he's always tired and sleepy
I'm 34 weeks pregnant, 5 weeks and 1 day I Cant wait to see babygirl !!!!!!!!
Marinewife I feel u gurl lol i m also 34 weeks my due date is June 25 and I can't wait i don't wanna rush it but homegurl needs to come out so I can have my body back no more aches and.pain late nite snacking or getting up every hr to pee I'm so rea…
Ynvtish, its the pregnancy I m 34 weeks and im achy especially between my .legs so soar my lower back where my tailbone is at and my hips Omg I can't wait to drop LOL
@ prettykiki. I understand how u feel but if u do decide to drink Castro oil it wouldn't harm the fetus some ppl contract and some ppl don't but when he/she is ready they would come hang in there
I'm team pink too. At first I really wanted a boy but when I seen my lil booka on the screen that change. My bf predict it was gonna b a girl and he was right he lite up when he saw her too.
@don'tknowuttodo I'm first time mom too and the things I have got is onesies, pacificers, socks, mittens, bottles, bottle sanitizer blankets, and of course diapers baby shampoo and body wash
I'm.a first time mom and I'm.24 yrs old
Im also counting, 5weeks and 5 days my lil princess is suppose to come out June 25 and I can't wait.
I feel u ladies I'm 24 and I only want one ppl always telling me Imma have another one but no I'm not I don't like to b pregnant so after this one I'm getting on the strongest birth control they have LOL
I'm due in June and can't wait I'm so ready
My hunny is a good man he rubs my feet and back when Im in pain washes clothes helps me get dress. Makes me cook food he goes on store runs and he helps me out the bed when I gotta go on a bathroom run. That's my babe since he knocked me up he bette…
@wendylouwhoo I feel your pain I'm goin through the same thing I just came to a conclusion that my baby doesnt like me. When I do get comfortable, its off to the bathroom or I get kicked to flip over on my other side
Goin to the bathroom every minute, can't get comfortable because ya baby won't let u get comfortable. Midnight snack craving, stretch marks, constipation, swelling of the feet, backaches,leg cramps LOL
Now, I'm 34 weeks my last sonogram my princess weighs 4lbs
Megrod 88 I feel your pain I have the worst backpack and groin pain in the world i m so soar it feels like i have been beating with a metal baseball bat. Lol, June 25 ain't gettin here fast enough but at the end it was all worth it for my babygirl
I'm 33 weeks I have this terrible back pain my tailbone hurts it feels like I have been doin splits bcuz I'm between my legs hurts and soar I cant wait to push 6 more weeks hurry up
I already have my babygirl outfit picked out its an organic outfit it comes with the hat onesie,bodysuit, bib and a blanket she's due in June so I'm not gonna put that whole outfit on I dont want her to be hot
I can't wait June 25 I 'm anxious to see my lil booka I'm tired if being pregnant anyway.
I'm 24 and my babygurl is due June 25 I can't wait
I'm 32 weeks my babygirl is 4lbs
That's not Tru when ya baby feels like coming he/she Is gonna come
I'm due june 25 the only thing i brought so far is onesies,socks,pacificers the rest of the stuff I plan on getting at my Babyshower me and my hunny would get the rest