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  • And if you were 26 and due in december (12) your total is 38. And that's an even number. So boy. You don't seperate the numbers. :)
  • I added 19, because that's how old I was at conception. And 3 because I'm due March 3rd. 19 and 3 is 22 and that's even. So it's a boy. :)
  • @Mama_Kat Lol a really old man came up to me at work one day and asked me the age I was when I concieved and the month the baby was due and it came out boy. A month later I found out it was a boy. Everyone I have ever had do it to test it out was al…
  • Take the age you were when you concieved and add the month (february = 2.) If its even its a boy odd its a girl.
  • I am 36 weeks pregnant. Due march 3rd. And at the beginning of this pregnancy I was spotting which scared me because I had a miscarriage 2 years ago. They couldn't detect any cardiac activity, but my son ended up being just fine and I'm hoping he wi…
  • Honey, the first time I was pregnant I lost my daughter. At 14 weeks. Its been.2 years now and I am a little over 36 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. In the beginning of this pregnancy I was spotting, so I expected the worst given the situation I wen…