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- Soon2bmommy
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Also once your baby is born it will get onr
Im 17 and preg I didnt have insurance at 1st but I got on medicade and it will pay for everything from the doctor app to labor and delivery good luck and dont listen to the ppl putting down teen moms
I just got mine not long ago I was so scared but it wasnt anything to worry about I was sore for maybe a day but thats it
Due march 27th its my 1st and its a girl naming her aubrey cant wait
Im 17 was 16 when I got preg im 31 weeks and due march 27th I didnt tell my dad I was preg until 6 months because I wasnt big so I just had a small baby bump he was disapointed but came around but just a tip dont wait too long to tell them
31 weeks due march 27 having a girl
Due march 27th