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  • @skippers1st, thank you ,it always helps when a medical professional gives conformation. Please enjoy the rest of your day.
  • @rockinmomma, thank you I will have to check it out.
  • @wifey26, you got it.
  • @ Momamar its always best that iron and calcium are taken a separate times during the day. Once calcium and iron mix together the calcium binds to the iron. Once this happens once this happen it interferes with the absorption of both. Which is why I…
  • @ 2600wifey, My mother is a Scientist/Chemist, she is well aware of proper mixtures, and inadequate ingredients. I have also done my own research and I have found her finding to be true. This research consist of lots of reading from various sources …
  • @ Angie87 I am conducting extensive research and will update you once I reach my conclusion.
  • @ bdevault these ingredients where much better however calcium and iron should not be mixed together in any dose, I also noticed folic acid was a slightly low, and key ingredients where missing such as CoQ10, omega's, and probiotic, and lipoic acid.…
  • @ Trxii , please no offense, however this vitamin has many inadequate ingredients, but I will only name a few. It only has 400 mcg of folic acid research has been updated and it has now been determined you baby needs 800 mcg of folic acid, it also …
  • Trixii, Thank you I will go online a view ingredients and let you know what I think!
  • Antioch,ca due october 17th,my name is Tye by the way.