I love my son and husband..I wouldnt change my life for nothing<3
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- aidensmommy6911
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I started off pumping to get going then breastfeeding my and milk supply was amazing but to get him up to weight to go home(he was 7 weeks early) i strictly pumped and bottle fed him, my milk supply went down alot! its easier breastfeeding especiall…
@blissmarie23 thats called grenade by bruno mars. awww, i have a boy and dont really know of any songs for them
thank you for the info @mama_kat
oh im deff gonna use protection lol i dont want back to back pregnancies
cause im already getting there and i know the hubby is waiting anxiously lol
i went vaginal and had no stitches, but my son was 7 weeks premature
oh, cause ive heard people do it earlier
33 weeks, he's 7 weeks early but doing great!
thank youu
my water broke friday and they gave me magnesium to stop the contractions, im still waiting for little guy to come
thank youuu(:
yeeah they gave me extra antibiotics for risk of infection and checking on me every hour but other then that everythings going fine right now, thank youu(:
congrats, same here. this is my first and im having a little boy! i only have 8 weeks left..cant wait!!! congrats
Thank yu all!
@abby5 yea how'd you pull that off lol deff something id want to do
I hate jenelle's mom, jenelle isnt the best person, but look at her mom...where do you think she got it from i think if her mother was more loving and supportive and there when jenelle really needed her emotionally then it would be a different situa…
Im in akron
thank youu!(:
could i find the number for the group on google or have to go down there?
sorry too be nosey but about how much did he have to pay the lawyers?
well she has his last name- then hers....she's getting married and claims that will change but i think he has to consent it first.
okay cause he gets the child support papers through akron but she calimed she filed them down there, and if she filed it here and then took her he could get her for taking his daughter out of state but she filed them down there so she wouldnt get in…
is there a way to file in ohio instead of going to a different state, he said he's supena'd her to come up here before but she never came and nothing happened. he has the DNA papers also because she wouldnt let him sign the birth certificate(she pla…
@ghettobetty she swears up and down that he cant do anything because he hasnt filed for visitation, but he does pay child support 250 a month..she says if he calls or comes down there and wants to see her she can call the cops
yeah what sucks is we have to drive all the way down to kentucky because of what she did....it sucks knowing i cant help him in this situation
@prettyKiki I've never heard of having two...is it one for friends and one for family or baby shower and kinda like "welcome baby shower" I'm having a baby shower but thinking about having a "welcome baby shower" after my son is…
@beautiful_altar I'm also due june 9th and my baby shower is may 14th. great minds think alike lol(:
yeah my mom is helping my because my M.I.L was supposed to but we recently had a falling out and she ended up saying my child and i were an embarassment and i was not grown enough to be a parent so i said screw her this would be more special to my m…
i'm thinking bath stuff from dollar store cause we're strapped on cash, but i want people to have fun.