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Yea I have the same worries my son was born at 33 weeks an stayed in the hospital 2 weeks that was sooo hard. I'm 22 weeks now with twins an they say that they naturally come early. Got me all paranoid.
I have a 17 month old been goin to school since he was 4 months I'm pregnant again 21 weeks with twins and at this current time doin it alone. I have a job but no car and seem to be getting by everyday by the grace of god. You can do it girl you can…
Thank u guys I'm 21 weeks do in June. I'm trying not to make any hasty decisions out of anger n hurt right now. Im gonna try and wait it out and see what god is gonna do in this trial... his word be still and wait for me to act. N that is the hardes…
Yea my sister in law did we got the whole family together to tell an she was like ur pregnant. An then when we found out it was twins we told my mother in law an she told the whole family before we could even leave the ultrasound room. Kinda made me…
Thanks I'm here in n.y without family just his and I hate asking them for help feels like im a burden. I have some friends that help when they can. It is selfish n he has never said he's sorry or anything just hw don't want our marriage an to him it…
New York
I would deff wait till your both comfortable sharing the news. But babies are a blessing from god an everything will work out look how much you have accomplished with one!
Im having to do the same thing take iron that really does help.
That's riff I used to live with my in-laws and it was hard but I was grateful. I would sit them down together and tell them how u feel u love them an would have loved to go with them but ur finances aren't there. An u two need to save for the baby t…
Due June 12 twin girls and have a one year old boy I'm happy
Sweetie I'm going through a difficult situation with my husband we have a one year old son an I'm pregnant with twin girls due in June he left me last week for someone else. It hurts like crazy but I have to not worry about him an focus on my son an…
I'm having twin girls and I have only one name faith Lynn but my husband does not like it he wants Brooklyn and I don't like that either lol. So we are stuck too due in June.