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- etompa01
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Still here trying to convince hubby to even start trying!
Nope... I would be pissed too. He's going to Vegas for work not for seeing naked chicks! Tell him if he works hard enough then he wont have time for that crap. Plus instead of putting dollar bills in some girls g-string, how about using that money t…
Alaina Nichole :)
If im lucky... my edd will be jun 9, 2012
I usually get my period on the third day after starting the placeabo pills.
I dont have kids (yet) but my sister in law swears by the playtex vent air ones.
Oh boy... what did i miss today?!
Still here... not really trying but not really trying to prevent either.
Well dr did not run a pregnancy test so at lunch I took a dollar store one and it was negative. Still no regular period tho... got a little spotting and a little bit of brown blood in a pad one day and that was it. Hmmmm...
So I went to the dr last week and explained the headaches and extreme sleepiness and she did a bunch of blood work but not sure what all she was testing for, or if she tested for pregnancy... hopefully I will get a call tomorrow with results (im hop…
Not sure why that came up so many times... but I meant canker sores not cancer!
Hmmm... I wonder if my cancer sores that just popped up are a prego symptom then. Af is currently 2 days late :) and have had headaches and soooooooo tired for about 2 weeks now.
Hmmm... I wonder if my cancer sores that just popped up are a prego symptom then. Af is currently 2 days late :) and have had headaches and soooooooo tired for about 2 weeks now.
Lol... stupid auto correct! *bfn
Not sure... don't wanna be bummed out with another bin.
Ok... im an RN... your cat could carry toxoplasmosis and that's why you shouldn't change the litter once you're pregnant. If you could get someone else to do it that would be best but if you have to do it just wear gloves and a mask and wash up real…
Still trying to convince my hubby of 6 years that we are ready to ttc! I am 25 and he is 27 and we live in Michigan.
Honey, I know how you feel! I want to start trying for a baby but my hubby (of 6 YEARS!) Says he still isn't ready yet! He is already 27, how much longer does he wanna wait?! Plus I have PCOS so chances are its gonna take a while whenever the hell h…
I had not had a period between nov. 29 and March 24 and was having all kinds of prego symptoms... some even that others noticed (like cravings, sensitive to smells, running to the bathroom a lot) and I was convinced I was pregnant. Come to find out …
When did you find out that you were prego? Im wondering if I am but I would only be about 4 weeks.
I know PCOS makes periods change all the time but I have never had a light one, nothing like this. I was always the girl that missed school or work for a few days during my period cuz I frequently bled through everything and had horrible cramps. Occ…
OMG! We must share the same mother in law! Mine is completely nuts too! If I ignore one phonecall from her because I am busy and she freaks out and calls my mom and my husband saying how much I hate her and wont talk to her and that she just wants a…
My doctor switched me to Yaz when I started the metformin.
Hmmm... I wondered because with it being that light and that short, its never been like that before! Haha, I can handle not having to go in the bathroom every hour to change pads and tampons for several days!
Sounds like your blood pressure could be high. You should get it checked just to be sure.
My husband and I decided to start trying then he all of a sudden changed his mind also.... saying we can't afford it right now. We are more financially stable now than we have been since this whole damn recession thing started! When his friends star…
I know how you feel! I have been trying since November, found out a couple weeks ago I have pcos, so I'm having problems. I have 5 friends that are pregnant now (since I started trying) and my brother called me the other day saying his wife is prego…
I was in the same boat... I just finally had a period on march 24th but I hadn't had one since november. I was just diagnosed last week though with pcos. I would definately see a doctor, at least now I know why I hadn't had one in so long and can st…
Yep, got that too :( @uncaffeinated_katie did it really last a month?! I dunno if I can handle feeling like this for a month :(
Sorry, the app says I would be 3w2d...