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29 just like u!!!! And just getting started :)
Angieface.... how far along are u???? I have the same problem.... and I'm also really worried that the stuff coming out can b bad for the baby
Ive gotten into arguments with my parents and my husband and it can be very worrisome. I've looked up if stress can cause problems for the baby and it seems like every site gives you a different anwser! I know it's hard (especially cause we can be m…
Please understand I am very proud of my heritage, I love being middle eastern! I love the culture, the language, the food, the traditions, and my family!!! I don't want my son to deny who he is or be ashamed!!! I just don't want him to be judged by …
8/23, I'm 29, 1st baby, its a boy
If u haven't gone into labor yet I heard.... pizza n root beer or fish n chips or even lots of spicy food.... good luck
Def dahlia (doll-leah) ... so unique
My nephews name is joseph, so I really don't want to name him that. I wouldn't mind making his middle name yousif but I'm really afaid of hurting his feelings :( .... I'm more worried about my him being discriminated against as an adult, ie... job w…
Yes a necklace works... I always use my cross pendant on my necklace! I e done this to people with kids and it always turns out right! I was at an engagement party and had done it on a couple of people I knew when a guy I had never met said that it …