


22 weeks 4 days - half way thru....and half dead half the time


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  • Due
  • 22 weeks 4 days in and due August 3rd. hoping to go early though...my last 2 pregnancies were all over due...and I'm tired of being a "good home" and them not wanting to come out. I hate being induced and seriously hate the epidural. So le…
  • @mommasarah yes hunnie my first I had back pain but I gained weight all over so it helped...this one is a boy and I only have weight gain in the belly a little sweeling all over but the full on belly gain has really done a number on my back and if I…
  • I was due the 29th....and I'm so over this waiting...nothing is relaxing I'm exhausted and sore and he's still sooo overly active and I'm not dialated more then a fingertip....ugh...being induced Tuesday...but I really wish he'd come out on his own!…
  • Nipple stimulation you can google. But u take ur fore finger and thumb and roll your nipple back and fourth for 15 minutes then 15 minute break and repeat like 3-5 times or something. But if u google it - it gives you better directions...I'm a littl…
  • EVerything I've read has said it can cause extreme contractions and it was said to not be the best option due to the complications that over active contractions can cause i- I have no idea lol I still tried but got nothing. My lil bugger just wants …
  • @Insane you've had the tea? Okay I will go and get it tomorrow. I really want him to come out on his own or at least start himself...I'm really nervous about a csection...
  • I'm petrified bc she actually swallowed some michonium also which ended us in the hospital for 5 days instead of the normal 2 but she was fine no medical problems. She was 8 lbs 3 oz....this baby is around the same and I declared my concerns with my…
  • My first I was sick all the time during the first 2 trimesters...worked at a deli and had to quit bc the smell of cheese would send me to the bathroom and then they'd send me home and I was tired but funtional...and my allergies weren't too bad...an…
    in . Comment by jennab18 March 2011
  • Oopps meant 34 weeks 5 days...only 5 weeks 2 days til our due date lmao....fingers were lagging on my phone app haha
  • Its so comforting to know other people are going thru the same things isn't it? Especially when those things are pain related...I have an unbelieveable time getting out of bed in the morning it kills me! And tonight I was in the bathroom...and all a…
  • I would call the doctor but tylenol is a safe drug for us preggos so u should be okay to take it. I'm due march 29th and super excited...he's a very active baby and doesn't let me rest often. And now I'm feeling icky...which stinks but he's still h…
  • My hospital is a good and I mean good solid at least 45 minutes away if I'm lucky lmao...10 min is no biggie. My first I was in labor not to scare u but for 24 hours. With the first it usually not always but usually takes a little longer I'm worrie…
  • Hayley, heidi, and hannah are my favorite H's...along with Hayden
  • Husband - me - husband - husband - me - husband And I'm having a boy....does that conflict with the answers?
  • I wish he would give me a break every nownl and then... between my lungs n my bladder ... but I just wish I could find something to soothe him... a position or trick...anybody have n e secret tricks BC literally I've been in fetal position for 24 ho…