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Oh.and thanks everyone!I used it today for the first time.His skin felt soo much better.
K Thnks
@Bmccaskill yes they were!!congratz to us both!!SOOO happy we gt to leave today.!!kant wait to go home n finally gt some REAL sleep!!
@thankseveryone !!!!I kant wait to upload either!!I'm holdn my little MJ in my arms now..Him gt his eyes open for moma!I feel SOOO relieved to have him in my arms and not in my ribcage!!!
@Mylittleman2011 gurl Ikr.lol!it blew me by surprise also!
I was only allowed one person with my first...I'm scheduled for my second c section on Tuesday and this doctor told me the same thing
@OhHowWonderful sorry I read it wrong Naw I'm getting induced Dec.6
@OhHowWonderful we"re gettin induced the same day!!!!I'll be 39w 3d..when was ur actual due date??mines was Dec.11
@Mylittleman2011 hunz congratz to us both!!I get induced a day after u!!so itz 3 days for u n 4 for me!!I feel like a big kid on Christmas morning!!
Oh n my oldest son name is Nehemiah Bt we call him "Miah"
My son name is Marlowe Jr..We call him "MJ"!!
@AshCashJ thanks hun!!
@jennalynne87 hun yes I want to see who he's gona look like..also how much he's going to weigh....My last us was at 34w 3d...I'm 38w 2d...How much do u think he may weigh at birth??Im also originally due Dec.11..Bt I'm scheduled to have a c section …
I'm 38w 2d...scheduled c section Dec.6..pregnant with my 2nd son and he will be a Jr.!Marlowe Jr..We already hav a nickname which is "MJ."
@preggo123 I know u are super excited!!!!
@preggo123 hun how far along r u??I'm scheduled to have my c section done next Tuesday Dec.6 at 1:00pm..ill be 39w 3d then.I'm originally due Dec.11
@dec10 is that when ur due?if so ur due a day bfore me!!but I'm getting induced Dec.6 to have a csection
@angel26 yes hun I'm having pains.I'm 38w 1d..Bt I always have a burning pain at da top of my ribcage.It hurts SOOO bad!!!especially when I gt full
@jules thanks hun.I also think with u being 4"11 that's fine also.congratz to us both!long as he's healthy I'm thankful
I had an ultrasound at 34w 4d n my they said my son weighed 5lbs 6oz..I'm now 38w n I don't know how much he weighs...My first was born at 41wk n weighed 8lbs. 11oz..he seems so heavy rte na
37w 2d...I been havn contractions also..he also has dropped!I just really want to make it to Thanksgiving!!.so we can eat good!!!
I have 2w 5d left...I'm due Dec.11...hoping he comes before then.I'm currently 3
@Bahamamama4828 thanks Soooo much for that info!!!!you really changed my outlook on breastfeeding!
I know I'm late but Im due Dec11 n had mines Nov.5 at 34 or 35 weeks
@314babymama1120 congratz hun!!!
@Junebuggbabie85 girl I know ur super excited to be getting induced..im supposed to be having a csection..We're deciding a date when I go see the doctor next wed.
@AshCashJ dont worry hun you will get to see ur baby real soon!The more I feel my son move the more I anticipate the moment of holdn my babyboy.
Wow!!Nice to meet all of u December mommies & congrats ta all..@angel26 wish I could dialate some..I got checked wed. at mi 36w appt.and doctor said I havent dialated.:-(...bt I do wana make it to Thanksgiving.
I have 25days left...im getting exaustedz