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- lentoswifey
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I had the same symptoms as @CristinaLynn... I kept thinkinq af was riqht around the corner bcus of period like cramps but af never came &&then my beautiful bbyqirl came alonq ;)
Aww conqrats ;) ! My lil qirls first tooth juss cut thru today &&I'm so happy &&excited I feel like she's qrowinq up so fast..
I quess there's a lot of us mommies who need more sleep lol.. My lil qirl is 5 months &&its been about 2 weeks she has been wakinq up 2-3 times at niqht :-S She was actually sleepinq well through the niqht since around 2 months I'm wonderi…
@newmommyFeb2012 Well I took Plan B before the 72 hrs &&I'm still takinq my bc pills so I don't think so.. unless I'm in the low percentaqe of which Plan B don't take affect on lol.
@Fate Do yu remember which pill yu were on ? Like the name? Cus I've been takinq it as yu said yu were &&now I feel like there's not much use in stressinq on takinq it at the same time each day lol. @tashalou Hahaha wow that's crazy... yea …
@Fate qood not wreath lol my niece asked me how to spell that as I was writinq back to yu &&I quess my brain qot confused &&I juss wrote here as well ha ha ha I hate it when that happens lol
@MommyLovesSparkle Thank yuuuuu lol ;) I also have an Android but I juss turned the auto correct off bcus it annoys me when I text in Spanish to my mom lol. Oh wow well everyone knows I wasn't even close to a month of usinq bc lol sooo I'm thankinq …
@CristinaLynn Thanks.. &&yes I think that's wut ima do.. I prefer to do so then to have any complications if I do end up preqnant too soon after my csection..
@ArmahnisMommy It happened yesterday @Hot2Cold87 well thanx for yur opinion qirl @LolasBabyNum1 hmm ok &&when do yu think I can test since? Do I have to wait til I miss a period? @misspregger6989 yea my sis thinks the same as yu she sa…
Oh &&I'll be 12 weeks pp on Thursday ;)
Girl I'm havinq back aches as well but usually on my upper back &&its stronqer like on my riqht shoulder blade &&neck.. it hurts more &&qets so uncomfortable when I lay down to qo to sleep. Now I have to lay there tryinq to f…
Hello ;) &&welcome to Preqly.. I'm Esmeralda &&I'm 21 &&I'm a first time mommy to my precious bbyqirl Natalie Alicia Rivera she will b 12 weeks Thursday \:D/
@bahamamama4828 Lol yea &&I'm qlad I can save words on my phone lol How much did yur LO measure at 2 months ?
@bahamamama4828 1st let me say qirl yur name is kind of hard to write on my phone it has like so many M's lol it even kind of qot me feelinq dizzy in a weird way lol... Now on to yur bbys weiqht seems qood to me &&how much did yu LO weiqh wh…
@jaxmommy81011 Umm really? Why's he so small or is our babies biq lol ? My sisters dauqhter is 4 months &&weiqhed 16lbs &&was 25 inches lonq &&her lil qirl weiqhed 7.7lbs &&was 19inches lonq at birth
@britt21 @bonita85 @Hot2Cold87 @Kimberly4411 @LittleFae @black_butterfly @2ndbutfirst @annaluis
@everyone thanks so much for all the input I was juss makinq sure my lil qirl is on track ;)
Oh my qosh qirl this is so crazy but it wad also my bday on the 5th.. &&my husband did almost the same shit.. he went &&bouqht a dumb qame that he kept insistinq he didn't know it wasn't on any kind of sale in black Friday when I rem…
Happy late bday :-D hope yu had fun My 21st bday is on Monday \:D/
Yea I felt the same lol.. &&I had a c-section so I found it weird that I was feelinq pain down there lol
Yea i live in north town ;-) i didnt know yu stayed in veqas either til yu said it happened at summerlin hospital lol.. So yea i liked how they treated me there at sunrise except for that bitch tryinq rip my cervix hahaha.
Aww conqrats &&enjoy yur twins ;-)
Hey so yu went to summerlin hospital? I was thinkinq of qoinq there cus i had heard from a few friends it was pretty coo i went to sunrise childrens hospital tho.. Mostly all the females in my family have qone there to deliver &&its closest …
Aww yur bby boy is so cute! Im sorry yu had to qo thru the whole csection process aqain. I juss had my 1st bby qirl 10/06 via csection &&trust me i was feelinq the same.. I wanted to have her vaqinally but i quess thinqs didnt qo as planned.…
Damn sorry yu had to qo thru that... One of the nurses i had was a bitch too.. I couldnt even stand the thouqht of her checkinq how dialated i was.. I think that was as painful or worse than the contractions i was qettinq... When she would check me …
Oh qosh so they mess with it still ? I have my appt on 10/25 to qet the pieces of tape removed from my incision &&was hopinq that was all theyd do... I had my bby qirl via c section 10/06 &&im barely startinq to feel a little better …
Shes so adorable... Conqrats!!
My due date was the 21st.. i qot induced Oct 5th due to low fIuid but then never qot past 5cm so ended up havinq my precious bby qirl via c section Oct O6 at 10:08 weiqhinq 6.4lbs &&19in! Im qlad in a way that im not the only October mommy w…
Thanx for the post.. its called baby soothing sounds or that's how I search for it ?
I also had a c-section &&my incision was leaking but no smell or anything Dr said the same as caroline8_p Dr did... I was scared also thinking my incision was opening &&that I was gonna need more stitches or sumthing lol... Hope yu …