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- liljellybean
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I am!
Thank you @gsmommy I'm really tired of people (men) telling me.I can't smoke half a cigarette in an entire 24 hour time span
Your welcome! And if all else fails kick em.in the nuts a couple times And bust outta there
@sunshinelove I don't want to take the child away from him after its born but how can I trust that he will be there in the future if he can't be there now a baby needs its daddy staring from the day you make it... a good friend told me tonight... it…
My b/d slash ex boyfriend is now dennying that its his kid because I slept with somebody two weeks ago and I'm.7 weeks along.... hmmmmm? He also packed up And left the state today for the next 19 days... he also told my mother that I cheated on him…
my mother has no informed me of her beliefs that she doesnt think i will be able to financially care for this child and that i should take care of the problem now... i have tried to explain that single moms do it all the time and she was just lucky
@momof22be it just sucks that i am going to have to be pregnant for the next 7.5 months by myself with no support.. it will be hard to let him into the childs life ive been supporting on my own all through the pregnancy personally at this moment (an…
@momof22be he came with me to the u/s but he believes that it can be off he just isnt listening
im just very scared that my child wont have a father
@jenn_929 thank you so much for the advice it really means a lot
@veteranswife my boyfriend and i broke up its looking like around the same time as conception i did something totally unlike myself and proceeded to be with somebody else on march 13 instead... which he found out about this morning so now instead of…
Congrats to you too we are both stories of true surprises... I never planned on bringing a child.onto the earth out of wedlock but I feel like I can make an execption seeing as how this could be a one time only sale LOL
Yep you're right you just gotta put those mommy instincts in full gear and do what you think is best
I think So too... we were both told individually That we were never going to be able to have kids.. this was a true SURPRISE LOL not practicing safe sex when you know you are fertal doesn't count as a surprise
Thank you very much we love it I was processing back in when we found out the big news but that will just have to wait a little bit
You sound young how old are you? You aren't alone you have your baby talk to him/her they like it and baby Einstein or whatever says it makes them smarter who knows if that's true I talk to my baby all.day call me crazy but I have conversations with…
@gatorbob there You go.... thank you for your support! It means a lot
Thank you @gatorbob you are very knowledgeable there are always loopholes in the military you must be a currant/prior. Member to know that LOL
Booooo .... thank you to all you ladies for Your help!
@jstnshrt no bueno we are better off biting the bullet and getting married... we already have kids on the way with these boys so why not... where are You stationed and what does he do?
@jstnshrt it does suck how far along are you and do they cover the cost of the DNA test?
I am a very calm cool person that just runs with the flow on the river of life :) unfortunately pregnancy tests my way of life and I have snapped and said things that I later realized were stupid and out of line for example I went on a 20min rant ab…
That sounds like a tough situation but remember you want to do what's best for the little Guy which may not always be best for the big Guy and if getting out of the UN healthy Environment is best then its best...
Yes they can miss it... my doctor told me it depended on the babies positioning especially if you aren't very far along
@soontobemommy He is army too MP I am very supportive and have stayed as involved as I can without being married... he just transferred to a new unit where his chain Of command doesn't know either one Oh us too well so it worries us
@soontobemommy it does help we were just hoping to be able to have the military be involved mainly because there is the worry that they wont let him be as involved in the pregnancy because we are Not married but we will get through it thank You for …
Your words mean a lot... Thank you
Lemonade... don't ask but it helps me LOL
I'm young too not quite as young as You but still young enough.... I get anxious too sometimes but its more like a sence of lonelyness when that happens I make sure the father is there so I can be in his arms... if the father is available take advan…