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- misselfae
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Got an appt for tomorro. My eldest was sick and had noone to look after him. My oh bought me a preg test. Figured if it was a mis I would still hv preg hormones but it was neg. hopefully doc can gv me answers
Thanks for the replys going to call docs to reassure myself that all is well x
I hv 2 boys 5yrs and 11wks I want 2 more but oh says 1. If I hv a girl nxt iv agreed 3 is eough. If its another boy he,has agrees one last shot at my girl lol. I get my implant wed so 3yrs till baby 3
my lo is teething and he is 11wk today. His top two incisors are coming throu. Its been a tough wk!
I sing a song called all the pretty little horses. My eldest calls it the crying song and still asks me to sing to him when he is upset.
Hello ladies! Im kerry, 25 from uk. I hv 2 sons baillie who is 5 and lewis who is 9wks tomorrow. i hv been with my fiance almost 4 yrs :)
I had mine at 9am on a fri and labour started 230 am on the sunday
Hello ladies, im kerry, 25, from kilmarnock scotlanf. I hv two boys baillie who is 5 and lewis 6wks. Got OBEM on record as fiance has had enough if births for now lol
Everynight as part of bedtime routine. On nights I skip it he wont settle.
my eldest looks alot like my brother and sister lol but apparently has my expressive eyes ie he gives attitude and he looks just like me! My youngest looks just like his dad! But has my profile according to my mil
Every baby is different. My lo is 5wks and I only just started putting them on him and never used them with my 1st. Your his mamma and only you knoow whats best
My eldest is baillie samuel, baillie is my maiden name and samuel is his fathers middle name. My youngest is lewis alexander, lewis because its the only name baillie liked when we discussed names and alexander after my papa and my brother also has…
lewis is 5wk 4days and eats 4oz every 3 hours. He was 7lb12.5 at birth and is now 10lb5
I lock bathroom door, run a huge buvble bath and ignore them all lol!
With my 5yr old son I ask him to fetch things or sing to his brother when he cries. They share a bath sometimes and he sits legs crossed to make a cradle for baby to lie in, he reads to him and helps pysh pram and holds him (only on couch and with …
I only managed 2wks this time round. Couldnt keep up with the demand.
I had ppd with my first, didnt take the help and ended up in a bad way 4yrs later. So bad I lost 2jobs daily panic attacks and anxiety. I had to see a cognstive behrhavioral therapist to relearn coping skills. Im much better now but I hv my moments.…
I had a sweep in the fri and gave birth on the sunday, I was about a cm on the fri and after 4hrs of contractions I was 6cm he was born 4hrs later
My eldest learnt quickly and there is a 5yr gap between my two.
my due date was yesterday and still no sign! Evrn though docs etc said he would be early!! I feel your fustration. Labour dust and luck to us both!
I have 6 days till my due date. I cannot wait to hold my little guy!!
I had my dog when I was 16 he was my side kick in all I did. I fell,pregnant at 19 and the dog was great with baby till I left bd and moved to a flat of my own. He snapped at baby once and I started to look for a new home, secind time he snapped he…
So jealous!!! Lol good luck due date buddy, labour dust to you xx
Due 13th but keep being reassured anyday now. Its all lies lol ill be here forever!!! My parents go on holiday fir a wk this sat and im worried they will miss out.
ill jump on this wagon. Smelling oils? Sounds nicer than castor oil lol. Im off tp buy them!!!
My feet shrunk in size with my first. Be interesting too see what happens this time.
good luck :)
@samantha they cant do a strip till im 40+5 so have an appointment for 14 nov and again for 18nov. If not gone by then they will set induction date
good luck! I felt the same with my 1st. I was induced and the morning of it I felt like I was watching it happen to someone else. I was happy to wait
Im 38+1. My oh has been great this wkend. He found me in tears and said well this was bound to happen, you have been pretry sane the whole pregnancy, more chilled than normal so a break down was due. Im just ready for it to be over and deal with th…