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  • My daughter is 5 weeks old now and wakes up 2-3 times every night. She can finish 4 oz of formula and still would like to be breast feed. I can't wait till she atleast sleep longer. She's always on time asking for a feed every 3 hours.
  • Im almost a month pp.. my natural tear stitches are healed already.. but to be honest with all of you ladies there are some time that my down there still ache. Actually not on where the stitch near the anus is, rather up the clit and a bit inside co…
  • Aww.. im 39 weeks and 2days but no deal! Im at the hospital now being admitted but not to give birth. I went in for shortness of breathe due to flu with very sticky phlegm! Apparently i wasnt admitted bcoz of flu but of very high blood pressure. Im …
  • I had my us at 20 weeks, the sonographer told me that Im having a girl. But she wont guarantee it 100% my family prepared much stuffs for a girl. Since my doc wants to double check my baby's amniotic fluid last friday, i took the chance to ask the …
  • @mz_kitty90 im from the dry land of mount isa hahaha.. i never knew this is like in a middle of nowhere before i migrated here in oz.
  • Dd is on Aug. 14 with a baby girl
  • 15 days and worst is having a flu! Im really sick of the pains from this pregnancy plus flu added up! This is the worst timing.. im having a hard time to breathe due to my sticky phlegm. Whenever i blow my nose theres a little blood too since im pre…
  • They are really strict here. I am 25%japanese and i have some craving for jap. food especially sushi. But doctors here in Australia would tell you not to eat many things. Hubby started to be so protective about food and even driving now is an issue.…
    in sushi Comment by momi_pepper July 2011
  • I've done everything.. my hubby is just going to put the car seat on the car when the baby comes out. All i need is our baby to come :(
  • How far are you hun? I had a reflux from 9 weeks to 17 weeks. I tried eating ice and it works for me. It vanished for a while, but returned when i was 32 weeks. My doc gave me gavascon. It worked for a while but doesnt last, so he told me to take za…
  • Im 25 and this is my 1st baby.. got preggy after honeymoon lol.. due on the 14th of Aug.
  • Im 37 + 4 days today with my first baby and haven't been checked for dilation! I did much at home to speed up this labour or any. My third trimester is really horrible, i just want my baby out. But to my frustration, my belly is still high, no signs…
  • Mine is usually darker due to taking my pregnancy vit. And my doc asked me to have a double dose of iron as well. So i guess im loaded of lots of vit. For my body, thats why my urine has a darker color. With the smell.. hmm i dont think.mine smells …
  • I'm due on the 14th of Aug. I actually arranged to take my leave on the 9th of Aug. with my boss a month ago. That's when I still felling energetic, but things changed now. My leave starts today instead of the 9th, my job requires standing up all da…
  • I'm feeling the same ways ladies. This is my first baby and i still have 2 weeks and 5days before my dd. At the moment its already 6:27am here and i've been up since 3am. I fell asleep around 1in the morning.. im so deprived of sleeping. I guess my …
  • @ mamabutterf1y: im feeling the same way.. although im only 37 weeks and 2days at the moment i feel that this pregnancy is forever! I don't feel anything that will lead me to deliver my baby soon. This is my first baby but im so sick and tired alrea…
  • Hi there mommies! I just read this just now. Anyways it maybe a little too late to have a dd buddy for me, but it would be great if theres one or couple. id still want to have some ^_^. This is my first baby, and im due on the 14th of Aug. Im from q…
  • Not really trying but never use any protection.. we never regret any but if i have something to blame... I'll blame it to the following: 1. That Victoria's secret g strings! 2. My old school calendar method of counting... 3. It feels good and i can…
  • Awww... This is really sad! Its better to take 2nd opinion hun, we're talking about life here and not just anything. I'll include her and her baby to my prayers.
  • I'm exactly 37 weeks today with our first baby and im getting the same feeling . I was also wondering how on earth my little princess could still move much?? Maybe shes small and still have room in me??
  • Congrats hun and rest much!
  • I think its pretty normal to have them. I have few now, but what im not sure if that will go after giving birth. With regards in stretch marks, i never had any till 35 weeks and 5 days. Now im exactly 37 weeks and i noticed having like 2-4 under my …
  • I'm 25 and its my first baby as well.. I'm already 25 weeks pregnant with my baby girl. Due on the 14th of Aug. I am very excited!