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- mommytobe_josesito3
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Thank you everyone<3 sorry i havent been on lately being a mom is tiring and alot of work , but i wouldnt trade it for the world i LOVE it!
i live like an hour from mexicos border , we havent really discussed how many kids we want , ive peed about 6 times in the last 5 minutes lol i have a pad on but the outside of my undies feel damp and cold :/ how many kids do you have and how many d…
No hes going to be the third :( but my doc had said he was for sure it was a girl so i opened my big mouth and told hubby if its a girl i get to name her and if its a boy you get to name him (he didnt know my doc said it was a girl at the time) so h…
@garagebandfan wow , i wouldnt have been able to wait lol but i think that is a really good surprise , i like the date its easy lol We are naming him after his father jose guadalupe , do you have any names in mind?
@garagebandfan Yea i understand everyone has different experiences , so when is your due date? do you know what you are having?
@garagebandfan lol well that does suck :/ i hope you start t feeling better. I wish i knew what i am supposed to be expecting in pain or whatever to know if labor is around the corner lol
@garagebandfan well even if i dont know why im super excited to finally have him(: && do you have any clue why you are having the contractions or is it braxton hicks?
That is crazy im supposed to get induced at 1:30 am and me and hubby had sex today and i have been having really numb lower back pain since then. Good luck!(: @hurstk28
Is that normal for you to already have contractions? well i have had morning "all day" sickness the whole pregnancy but i doubt thats why , i went to an appt one day he checked me said im 3 cm dialated and got my paperwork for me to get in…
@garagebandfan lol well im glad she is healthy and you had no problems , how far along are you now? && honestly idk why my doc is inducing me i havent even hit 39 weeks yet. i know what you mean i feel like i have been preggo for years alrea…
@garagebandfan how far along were you and what was the reason for inducing? hopefully i can atleast have toast or they are not going to like me! Lol
@Bummy87 well this is my first also so hopefully i will have him more or less around 6 hours. I thought the mucus plug is bloody or brown? i have been having the slightly yellow mucus stuff for like a week already and its always ALOT kinda like when…
@garagebandfan wow 3 days? that is a long time , i thought when they induce it makes it happen faster. Were you able to eat? well hopefully it doesnt take that long or im going to reach in and take hiM out myself lol I will post a pic as soon as i …
@bummy87 it comes out as white boogery stuff or clear liquid at other times. Its been a tad bit yellow at times but when it comes out like that its usually alot and like boogers :/
@Garagebandfan i think i will do just that , pretty upset i cant eat for the rest of the night so might as well sleep to not think about food lol && thank you hopefully by tomorrow i will have my little boy. Idk how long it usually takes whe…
@garagebandfan im 38 weeks and i am scheduled to get induced at 1:30 am tomorrow , well practically tonight but i have been getting these pains and didnt know wether to wait it out or go now , the baby hasnt dropped much and idk if its discharge or …
@trisha i still have a little pressure but not as much this little boy is playing games witb me lol Thank you so much for checking up on me hun , your super sweet.
@Babyrosalee @Blissmarie23 where can you get that tea?
congrats @nicksmommy
@trisha your probably right , and i feel alot of pressure not that much pain anymore , guess i will wait it out :(
@trisha i figuered since monday is only 3 days away well practically 2 maybe they would.
@KerrideeRN so i went and got sent home isnt that some bulls#!t the lady was like "i dont see what waiting 3 more days is going to do to you , your not going to die" i was like no but i might pass out from not being able to keep anything i…
@kerrideeRN lol thats probably true :p im going to have to wake hubby up and have him take me before i throw up again :/
@kerrideeRN well that is true because ive gotten iv 3 times this pregnancy for dehydration , but when i tell my doc how i feel he ask if i have diarreha and i told him no but im not having completely solid bowel movements and he says oh well just la…
@kerrideeRN but i hate thinking they will just send me back home , and my hospital is about 30 minutes away.
@nicksmommy whoo baby nick is going to be here in no time! congrats sweetie , im so jealous , we were belly buddies lol Well our bundles of joy wont be to far apart. once again congrats hun(:
@Soontobemomof2under2 that may be it that he is on my sciatic nerve cuz i feel it more when im laying down on my side , yesterday they put me on monitors and said i was having very small contractions but i didnt feel them. wow a month later? I cant …
@krazymomofadrian Wow i cant imagine waiting that long! Yes this is my first , my due date was may 26 andi was fine waiting til then but right when my doc said im getting induced monday i almost lost it i have never felt so impatient in my life lol …
@krazymomofadrian how far along were you when you had her? she is gorgeous by the way , im excited , nervous , exstatic lol Im so impatient i want him now lol
@angelsmommy thank you , i have been getting a numb pain in my lower back on and off but they arent painful just uncomfortable are those contractions?