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- peanutsmama19
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lol I love this. (: thanks for takn my mind off my stupid headache what other crazy test have yu guys heard of/tried?
omg I was a 36b then I gained a lil weight & then got pregnant.. by the time I hadd my daughter I was jst barely in an E. a DD was tight. ridiculous. lol after havin her I went slowly from a DD to a D to a big C. now I'm pregnant again. oh joy. …
it could be! sometimes if I lay flat on my back & breathe out I feel it! 10wks1day
I am 10 wks & getting a glucose test already bc of my previous pregnancy.. I only drink water or rarely diet pop. & only milk if I have cereal. ):
orange juice is good for yu but I wld definitley cut down on it. I got diabetes with my last & its really dangerous. I drank a lot of juice.. like a pitcher a day plus water & everything else.. not even a lot of pop but I had it severe &…
@dsnybaby4 omg! my bby was born at 36 wks & was 6 14. lol I can't imagine if I went full term, oh man. /: lol
kourtnee! klarissa, kaiya, kailee, katie, kimberly.
well I guess that a lot of the women think they can't get pregnant so they don't ever think they are if something out of the ordinary happens. also, they don't gain weight or show so they don't think they're pregnant. I think its so strange that you…
hi(: I'm 19, due with my second on sept 3rd! nauseous but not puking, bloated & gassy. yay for trimester 1! lol
lol, I look "young" for my age, I'm 19 & could maybe pass for 17 or 18.. had my first at 18, so looked younger then too. anyways! people would ALWAYS ask if its my first.. hello! do I look like I have 2 kids? lol I guess yu never know …
see my family keeps it on the dl.. my parents are so secretive when it comes to that stuff. they always waited a while to tell when they were pregnant, & they never told names they'd picked out. my fiances family, on the other hand.. they like t…
I wana punch tht b*tch in the face.. but I nvr express when I'm mad or upset.. jst pretend I dnt knw when I see her. but its drivn me insane.
yu might wana go out later in yur pregnancy, yu usually have more energy during the 2nd tri, but try explaining tht in a few weeks yu might hve more energy. I always tell my fiance, I'm growing a tiny person inside me. it takes skill & alotta en…
with my first pregnancy my sex drive was waaaaayy higher. this time.. its really low. lol guess it just depends on yu & yur pregnancy (: every pregnancy is different so NOTHING should make yu feel weird! (:
I had 3! my aunt had one for me, & my boyfriends mother..then after I had my daughter my church threw me a small one! just let your aunt & mother in law know so that its not awkward if it comes up. I ended up not having to buy diapers for ab…
its really sad that some people lie & break trust when others are just trying to be supportive, loving, & caring. despite the fact that this all happened, I hope us mommies all still stick together because I don't know about all of you, but …
haha @due8311 I had tht earlier! & @rissalee7 , me too. been tryin soooo hard to eat the extra protien which levels out yur sugar. it sucks havn to watch what yu eat when yur starvin! lol
what's the matter? ): if yu need to talk yu can.. being pregnant is exciting! (o:
I was like tht with my first baby, but I ended up being hospitalized for diabetes cuz I didn't watch what I ate at all. this time around I feel like I'm starving myself but they're giving me a glucose test at the same time as a pregnancy test.. they…
10 wks & bloateddd! not enough to call a bump, I wish though! I remember my last pregnancy I cldnt wait to show, then once I was at about 7 months I missed the tiny belly! haha. enjoy the tiny pouch while yu can!
I hve the same thing right now but last night I was on the toilet with "D" & throwing up in the tub at the same time. it went on for 6 hrs straight.. I was finally able to swallow some water & everytime I threw up after that ( abou…
thank you! finally feelin a lil better as the day goes on, maybe I can choke down some crackers or something. lol
my daughter nursery is hello kitty, too. I'm a hk freak. hoping for a girl this time so they can share a room(:
thanks guys, I appreciate you readn & helpn even though its kinda gross/: I'm jst nervous.
I'm sorry if this seems rude, but what does the hcg levels mean? I knw wht hcg is, but is it bad if its low? /: I'm sorry for yu being upset though.. /: I'll pray for yu. <3
my fiance doesn't touch the laundry, I hate how he folds. he does dishes if I beg. he doesn't ever vacuum. doesn't ever sweep. the only thing he ever does it take out the trash & ony after I plead bc the smell makes me gag.. I can't take it any …
I'm 19 about 9-10 wks with my second my first, daughter, is 10 months old.. (: due around sept 3rd. I'm with my fiance still, & we're hoping to have money to get married by the end of may<3
I called my dr about 4 days after I found out & they scheduled me a week later. I'm about 9&1/2 or 10 wks. with my first I had an ultrasound at 6 wks, but that's only bc I went to the emergency room after I took a hpt to comfirm I really was…
@baby4ontheway , thanks, & I hope so. my appointment is tomorrow so I'm praying all goes well (: