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- qutekitten
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17 weeks with#1 a place called fetal fotos this time and I can find out 15 weeks. Or so they say.
I got huge with#1 and my belly button never came out. Just flat.
At 11 weeks 3 days we have to do an ultra sound since the heart doppler couldn't pick our it up. Last time I barely felt urge baby at 16 weeks and full on at 20
Any family names you can use? If we have a boy we'll use my maiden name for the middle. For my girl we used my favorite great grandmas name.
Btw mio water stains, don't let your kids get a hold of it.
We saw 3 white lines with my first and shes a girl. We found out at 17 weeks. They say that's when you can find out the correct gender but some take longer. Try to go back in at 20 weeks. Unless you went to a place that they'll do gender checks. Goo…
I have a medela, I loved it. I think we paid like $240. Don't borrow someones even with new tubing it can cause infection or bacteria. Or at least that's what the lactation specialist said.
Mio seems like a lot of dyes. If it's the commercial I'm thinking of. I react bad to dyes and get awful headaches.
@TattedUp_KnockdUp I love the berry rain or any of the rain flavors they are not to strong.
Gatorade as well the only thing I could keep down as well. I'm now on a picc line since I'm too dehydrated.
Scratching doesn't give stretch marks. It's genetic, either you get them or you don't. The itchy nose call your drs nurse. And use lotion ok your belly.
12 weeks and lost 16 pounds. I have hyperemesis though. No food or liquids stay down. I'm hoping for a 15 lb weight gain by the end.
I love sushi. I eat it in moderation and try to stay clear of the raw fish. Dr. okayed it. I haven't craved anything weird with this baby yet.
I say buy it. As soon a the double stroller I want is on sale I'm buying it and I'm only 12 weeks. If you know it's for sure what you want get it.
Try to eat but I have hyperemesis and as long a I stay hydrated the dr says the baby will be fine. I can't keep a meal down but sometimes a banana and crackers or something small like that. So if it's one day and you had water you'll be fine.
Hows everyone doing? I'm over 11 weeks now and have lost 15 pounds. I've stayed away from home health care but just barely. I can only keep about 32oz of fluid down a day.
Do you have really bad acne like never before? With my daughter it was like that. And I was way more sick.
Mine have got a lot bigger. My first baby I got stretch marks the first few weeks
I'm sure since you weren't that far along they did an ultrasound since they probably couldn't get the heart beat yet. They did my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and the next one the following week since they couldn't get the heart beat on the monitor.
My dr says as long as your over 7 weeks. Good luck.
@hjkmatthews I was going to say the same thing. I have hyperemesis as well and had it with my first also. Pic line for 3 1/2 months. How far along are you? How sick are you this time?
I have hyperemesis it last all day, all pregnancy. Hope it's just a bug for you. Good luck.
No spotting 2 pregnancies.
Try acupuncture.
I have the same problem. I take miralax and have gotten frequent enimas. Dr says I can add bennifiber.
I'm 5'8" but all legs. I have NO waist. With my first I had a small bump by 13 weeks by the end everyone thought I was having twins.
You get implantation pains that feel similar to cramps but if the pain is severe or you have bleeding call the dr or go to the hospital. Good luck.
I was induced the night before, they have me an ambien. I was sleepy through the whole labor. I got an epidural at a 7 if you get one get it a little earier. I was in pain but breathing really helped. The worst part was I got an episiodomy and tore …
Due oct 6, I live in ut and it is only 50 right now and I am already getting hot. I can already tell it will be an unhappy summer.lol