- Username
- raquel
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- 18
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Thank you thank you ladies....well I be glad to infrom you that the day after I lost my mucus plug I went into labor, actually a hour losing it I went into labor..cause when me and my husband went to the doctor the next am we was already at 2cm. De…
Omg...good to hear! One more question..this is my 1st pregnancy, is it likely that ill be early or on time?
Raquel here...i just want to say thank you to ALL of your inputs....but I do want to make some things very clear..1st their are mothers doing far worse things than smoking weed 2nd to all of those post calling ppl dumb,stupid,etc. This is not the pl…
Hello ddc, my name is raquel and im new to this hole thing Including my pergnancy...that being said my baby girl named Zahara is due march 2nd..and I can honestly say I cant wait...im soo excited to bring her home! But I have a little probelm...acta…