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- secondCHANCE
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Just concentration on yourself. Nothing is more important then having that baby. Take a day off from everything else and. Relax. That stuff can wait baby can't. Sounds like baby is ready now.
Nov.9th. Simon or Sebastian, annabeth or..... no ideas really for a girl
Same here, no cramps nothing, just simply couldn't find a heart beat. I would go in your body might not expel properly which can cause serious problems down the road. I ended up needing a d&c cause that was starting to happen to me.
Do what I do, steal the power cords and take them with you to work when he has the day off.....if anything you will get your point across....
Quitting cold turkey isn't as easy for everyone. Yes smoking while pregnant is very very bad, but stress is one leading cause of miscarriages so...it depends on how much you smoke to begin with and how stressful this time came be ....I say its up.to…
I had my progestrone lvls checked the day after I took a home test, and at 4 weeks, ultrasound at 6weeks then my ob at 8. But I also had a miscarriage before due to being rh- so I guess you would say I'm not high risk.
I know the feeling. I lost two grandparents after the lost of my first baby, and now that I'm expecting again, I'm Scard beyond all belief. One thing I can say that helps is gold off on the planning, name choosing, etc. Till after the.first trimest3…
Thanks mama0811. I keep trying to explanations that, but he's being dumb. And the whole one night vs. Many many more with him. I just don't know how to make him understand. That and he wants to do a paternity test while I'm prego. Is that even safe
He should really consider how you feel. Being pregnant can be very unpleasant at moments. And if smoke bothers you he should take that into consideration. At least leave the room. Plus smoke is super bad for the baby. And that's coming from a full t…
Sadly one week away from each other. But one nighter was 2-3 days after my peird ended and my bf was on the day I was ovulating. My bf swears up and down "no way I came no way"
Scard as shit. Me and my bf broke up for a small amount of time, and within that 2months there was one night. I feel like a major idiot and my bf is Scard its not his. I'm scared too, these first few weeks have been anything but easy!
I have been having dreams ever sense I found out. I normally never remembered them before, but now they are more vivid then ever. After I lost my first they just stoped. Which was my first sign something was wrong...weird right.