


I hope my baby is okay... :'(


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  • Also, when I get out of bed or off the couch (yes, it's usually an all day thing. However, it's worse at night.) the first few steps it hurts to walk.
  • Also, what the fuck type of mother drugs her kid to put them to sleep? I take mine out in the pool, warm lavender bath and give a glass of warm milk and boom-boom, out goes the lights. I hope she doesn't get the death penalty and gets beat to death…
  • Guilty. Even if she didn't kill the poor child, though we all know she did, she is guilty of not protecting the life and innocence of that beautiful little girl. May her God not show mercy on that poor excuse for a mother, woman, and daughter. My d…
  • Laying on my tummy is the only way I can sleep. I slept on my tummy with my first, I was paranoid so I took a lot of pillows, like 5 or six and created a crater for my belly. She turned out fine. She just kicked a lot with with the extra pressure. …
  • :( Your God is mysterious. Taking young lives and letting people like that Anthony woman walk the Earth. I will keep this lovely woman and her beautiful son in my prayers to Buddha. I'm so sorry for your loss. (´;ω;`)
  • I hate tylenol lol I've taken so much this pregnancy for migraines and ugh. Just nothing works like excedrin. I wish they'd make a safe stronger version of tylenol to help with more of the aches and pains of this oh so wonderful thing we call pregna…
  • I heard there is some chemical in sperm that helps enduce labor. Although you probably don't feel like it but try having more sex. :)
  • Oh, in a lot of pain and consider chewing the Azo type pill? Although it's safe, it is the worst idea ever. The pill tastes so nasty and might make you puke lol
  • Yes. They are only a smaller dose of what the doctor is gonna give you (pryidium or whatever) with your antibiotic.
  • Azo are good pills. My doctor gave me pryidium (sp?) I've never seen such a colour come from my body. Lol
  • Some abdominal pains during this time can be deceiving around this time in pregnancy, however. It could be caused by everything the woman listed above and ligament pain. Be sure to tell your doctor everything that concerns you and how exactly you're…
  • I had a pretty nasty bladder infection last week and I can imagine the pain being somewhat similar. There really isn't any pain medicine they can give, however the sooner you start treatment the better. If you think you should wait, you can always t…
  • I'm having a rough time right now as well. Express your concerns and ask questions about the medication you're taking to your ob and he/she will explain and you'll feel better mentally. Remember to trust your doctors, they're not going to give you …
  • Prenatals are too big and make me so sick. My ob doc said it would be better for me to take two children's vitamins. I take two flinstone gummy vitamins a day. :))
  • Emergency room isn't an option? Sometimes there is just no room to suffer pain while pregnant.
  • Also be wary of a possible yeast infection following the antibiotic. Should ask your ob about both when she/he talks to you about the results of your urinalysis. And try to see them asap, there is no reason for you to be any less comfortable than pr…
  • I got one 4 weeks ago. The antibiotics the doctor gave me were given to me a lot with my first child and stopped being as effective. 2 weeks later it came back with the fury of 10,000 fiery suns. Same antibiotic again. 7 days passed still no curage.…
  • Rootzmama: I read it all on the internet. I find out everything on the internet. I am just so confused. 4senough: I know what you mean. I'm usually really good with dealing with it but right now I just don't know what to do. This pregnancy has had …
  • My OB doctor prescribed it. I don't want to doubt him because it is his profession, not mine. I just don't think all these side effects are right.
  • Yeah, I was thinking the same thing but.I have a history with severe depression, cutting, and suicide. I have a two year old to think about and I'm scared that all those things that haunt my past will resurface. I don't want to lose my little girl a…
  • My doctor told me no heels because pregnant women get clumsy and are more prone to falling. If I were you, I would retire the 5-7+ inchers and keep them lower to the ground. You don't want to fall and hurt the baby. Please be careful too because eve…