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- tierrajackson19
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Thanx 2 all u ladies
@mommyofstacy thanx an gl 2 u 2
@mommyofstacy congrats I have only 7 more days left and I can't wait either to c my lil girl
Not to bragg or anything but I have only 9 days left an I'm nervous and excited @ the sametime but congrats to all u ladies on yo success of being in the double digits now
My schedule csec is aug 8 so I don't have that much longer lucky me
3rdtimemomma yo induction date is after my schedule csection
I just pack mine bag and I'm 37 weeks so I waitin a long time before pack my bag and the diaper bag I will be 38 in this Sunday
Don't worry u will be ok I have 12 more days left it will fly by so fast u r goin to be close like me
12 more days
@zexy4da011 we r due the same day
Not to brag ladies but I only have 15 days left
@Mama_Kat oh ok I wish I could go vaginal again @mama_underpants lol I wish I had that many days left but I will stick wit my 19 days cause I still have a lot to do cause I will prepare my 5 yr old for kindergarten
I'm lookin for a due date buddy also I have 19 days left to schedule csec on aug 8 but my due date was aug 14
@mama_underpants I know right the samethimg I told him but he might till the last minute like he did wit the other 2 naming when they were born and will delivery the message asap to him lol ;))
@mama_underpants lol hubby has come up yet some cute for our girls so far so that's y I'm letting him pick the names and that is a beautiful girl name and the reason y I'm havin a csec cause I gave birth @ 26 weeks and she pass away at a month old a…
@mama_underpants I'm have a schedule csec also well 21 more days for me what r u havin I'm havin a girl and do u have any names pick out yet I don't cause everytime I suggest a name to my husband he don't like it so he will be naming this baby as we…
@KareNLove thanx hope the csection go as plan
I feel the same way I'm 36weeks and 1 day my due date us august 14 but I have a schedule csection on august 8 so I only have like 3 more doctors visit yay for me and BTW congrats to u
@Soon2BmommaOf2 thanx and I'm so excited can't wait till aug 8 to meet my princess
@ExcitedNewMom I know right and I'm so happy will be seeing my lil women pretty soon but the reason y I'm havin a schedule csection is cause they found like a bubble or a cyst thyroid inside my cervix and they don't want it rupture if I go into lab…
I would be 36 on this Sunday I'm so ready to pop this baby out be lucky me I have a schedule csection @ 39 weeks
I have 34 days left but I'm havin a schedule c-section so technically I have 28 days left
Hi my husband is in the USCG an he is an E-5 and I still get wic wit his bah and everything my daughter just recently got taken off cause she turn 5 an thats the cut off age for children where I stay here in NC and I'm pretty sure I will still get o…
@tracieleanna20 oh ok that's cute and no not yet still deciding
@tracieleanna20 thanx and it would be funny if yo baby come the same day as my c-section then both of our girls have the same bday do u have any names yet
@Mama_Kat and @tracieleanna20 we have the same due august 14 and I will be havin a c-section on august 8 the same day u might get induce
Aug 8 havin a girl
5 wks and 1 day I'm so ready to meet my lil girl
@Ming_Ling I'm girl u just don't know how happy I'm tests its bout over I'm so ready to meet my baby girl and also to c how my 5 yr old is goin to act
@newmomma15 oh ok I was small just like my first so this baby might take after the daddy but I also hope for a 7 or 8 lbs baby also noting bigger cause I have to have a c-section