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  • @Stillsuprised not I don't know yet. We are supposed to find out either on the 23 or the weekend afterward. Im so excited!! Not knowing is hard. It's like a secret only my baby knows. :)
  • @Stillsuprised I got a lot of meat too girl.they told u what u was having yet??
  • I haven't felt any movement yet either every woman is different.
  • This is my first and I haven't had any sickness. Lucky me I guess. I don't even have a baby bump yet. Is that unusual?? I am a thick though so maybe it will com wit time
  • Wow... there are so many great names. How do I know when I've picked the right one for my baby? I mean the name is a diffult discussion. It has to reflect the importance and image of my child for the rest of his/her life.
  • Aww I love kensley for a girl. And Kenton is too cute
  • Thank you
  • Ya I work full time its a killer sometimes. But we make great money and have such cheap bills. You guys have a great life set up though. Its like the perfect family with the two dogs and baby on the way. That's too cute. Ill pray that everything wor…
  • Lol ya I know what u mean about weather. I just moved here to Michigan and year ago and am still getting used to the climate change. I'm gonna hate being prego during the summer. It gets sooo hot. Are u and ur man both working?? U all are saving to …
  • Any we gain we can loose girl. Its just gonna be hard get lazy. I mean its only the beginning and I'm already lazy. Then my physician suggested plenty of small exercise sessions. When do I find the time and where am I getting the energy from.…
  • Hehe. Does that mean ur child will be diabetic?? Or is that not genetic??
  • LOL me too. I just hope when I have my baby I go back to the same shape. My physician said bigger girls should only gain about 25 pounds of baby weight. It's hard for me to k ow when I'm eating enough for I don't really be having a strong a…
  • Im from Detroit Michigan
  • No not yet. I'm a thick girl so I think it will take me a while to show :(
  • I'm feeling alright no sickness just super tired all the time.I guess the full time job doesn't help. And my bd works the opposite schedule as me so I barely see him. I want a girl Supermom405 but to be honest Just a healthy baby is perfect t
  • I'm due October 12. Just had my first ultrasound about a week ago. I cried as soon as I saw my little shrimp baby. He/she was moving around and waving. It was too.cute. Def. A life changing moment!!
  • I'm 20 years old and due October 12th. This is my first child and really just need a fellow prego friend to talk with
  • I'm due October 12th and have been feeling completely alone. I don't really hang or chill wit anyone but my man and really just want a fellow prego friend.